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🇺🇸 🇫🇷 🇮🇹 Start without Procrastinating Anymore!

January 6, 2019

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In the past years I’ve been the king of procrastination... There may be a bunch of different (good) reasons to delay starting something. Sometimes is just something too big, like the decision to start my own business (a long four years hesitating process) or it may be a small decision that can generate a lot of anxiety! 

Focus, perseverance and organisation are great allies for any kind of change: personal or professional. Alone these qualities may not be enough to decide to move on; a lean and empirical way of thinking is surely of help. That translates into these self-made on experience rules, that I apply to myself:Procrastinating

  1. I decide to start something new, anything! (I always have lot of new ideas)
  2. I start with the end in mind. A promise of value for targeted customer(s) (can be also family/children)
  3. I slice my idea into small actionable chunks of work and aim to finish a batch of it as fast as possible, no later than one month after its start.
  4. I show the outcome of my work to someone I trust, ask for transparent and honest feedback (what do you like most? What could I do better?).
  5. If what I'm doing is valuable, I try to improve it, make it even more valuable. If not I stop spending time on it (what did I learn from the experience?) and find something else to start.

I'm sure that if I used this approach when I created my own business, the process would have been much faster and efficient!

Some examples from my list of actionable items for 2019:

  • Make my trainings even more interactive experiences!
  • Use as little as possible planes for my trips
  • Write one blog article per month
  • ...

Enjoy 2019, Scrum On!

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