DC Inno includes AgileEngine into the 50 on Fire list

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Innovation has always been central to our company and team. In 2016 when React Native was still uncharted territory, we were already building a React Native app for an 80-million audience. Our portfolio includes projects in bleeding-edge industries like aerospace, blockchain, IoT, AR, VR, and machine learning.

This October, the innovative spirit that has been driving AgileEngine has finally gotten recognition. On October 10, 2019, the online magazine DC Inno featured AgileEngine on its 50 on Fire list. Meant as a celebration of the innovators based in the Washington metropolitan area, the list features companies and individuals prominent within the local community.

This year’s 50 on Fire mentions big names like Lyft, and pioneers like Aperiomics, the healthcare startup that is bringing big data to DNA testing. The list also features high-tech companies like HawkEye 360, the developer of Pathfinder satellites, and diversity-centric initiatives like Diversify Tech. Needless to say, AgileEngine is in good company!

About 50 on Fire

First announced in 2013, 50 on Fire celebrates innovation and growth by bringing together people and businesses from different industries and areas of expertise. The list is the brainchild of DC Inno, an online magazine that’s part of the American City Business Journals.

About AgileEngine

The only software development services provider on the 50 on Fire list, AgileEngine is a leading app developer in DC. The company ranks among the top-3 custom software and mobile application developers according to Clutch, a renowned research and rankings agency. AgileEngine is also one of the fastest-growing businesses in DC according to the Washington Business Journal and Growjo.

Would you like to learn more about AgileEngine as a potential service provider or employer? Contact us using the form below and we will be happy to answer any questions you might have.