Master Cloud Computing Risks with a Proactive, End-to-End Approach

Dec 07, 2023
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Fast, frictionless, proactive and cost-competitive. These guiding principles have provided a foundation for Accenture’s public cloud security offerings since they were introduced in 2018. It’s long been mission-critical for both Accenture Security and Palo Alto Networks to empower security teams to deliver value to organizations by helping clear roadblocks and accelerate progress.

With the release of the Prisma® Cloud Darwin update, Palo Alto Networks dramatically simplifies risk mitigation and breach prevention for organizations. Until now, Accenture leaned on an array of multivendor solutions, coupled with its expertise, innovation and custom-built automation, to give its clients a smooth and secure path to the public cloud.

Today, achieving this degree of proactive cloud security is possible from a single console that delivers comprehensive insights into risks across the application lifecycle, including Code to CloudTM intelligence for deep security context on code and delivery pipelines, as well as continuous detection and remediation.

Meeting Today’s Cloud Security Challenges

Enterprises continue to move workloads to the cloud as they race to capture their share of the $3 trillion that cloud adoption is estimated to generate for companies by 2030. As they do, they encounter a wealth of opportunities while confronting new risks amplified by the complexity of cloud environments, multivendor pipelines and increasingly sophisticated threats.

Securing modern cloud computing ecosystems isn’t necessarily more difficult than securing legacy data centers. But the constant change of cloud provider services and the approach taken to secure these environments is vastly different from on-premise data centers. Amid talent shortages in cybersecurity, particularly in cloud security, finding staff with the requisite skills isn’t easy. Maintaining continuous centralized visibility across dynamic and distributed cloud environments is an ongoing challenge, as is remaining compliant with regulatory requirements. Misconfigurations and vulnerabilities, insecure APIs and other issues increase risk to the enterprise.

It’s essential that organizations protect their sensitive data in the cloud, effectively managing resource access and taking appropriate measures to ensure data can’t be exfiltrated or corrupted. To achieve this, they need a proactive approach to risk management, one focused on identifying, contextualizing and fixing risks across the application lifecycle — from their inception in code to their deployment in the cloud.

Comprehensive, proactive protection is exactly what Accenture and Palo Alto Networks are teaming up to deliver. With this latest update to Prisma Cloud, Palo Alto Networks takes a significant step forward in cloud-native application protection. Prisma Cloud dives deep into patterns, behaviors and anomalies across code, cloud infrastructure and cloud runtime. What’s more, security issues aren’t just identified. They’re traced to their source in code and back, allowing for effective remediation at the origin of risk.

Embracing Proactive Cloud Computing Risk Management with Palo Alto Networks and Accenture

It’s impossible to secure assets or fix vulnerabilities you don’t know about. Prisma Cloud provides continuous visibility across all deployed assets — known and unknown — from a single console. It empowers organizations with ongoing compliance posture monitoring and offers single-click reporting.

Prisma Cloud leverages our unique Code to Cloud intelligence, advanced runtime analytics and AI to discover the entire cloud attack surface, identify vulnerabilities and misconfigurations, as well as automate remediations. The platform also collects all of your cloud security data, consolidating it into a single data lake to provide a contextual foundation for risk-based decision making.

The Prisma Cloud CNAPP platform is integral to many of Accenture’s security offerings, such as Secure Cloud Express and Secure Cloud Foundations. These offerings now incorporate the advanced capabilities that make it easier than ever to streamline security from the developer environment to production across the entirety of an enterprise’s cloud estate. This comprehensive, end-to-end approach simplifies cyber resilience for a complex world, which is exactly what’s needed to secure your future in the cloud.

Accenture has expanded its Secure Cloud Express offering to include the enhancements from the Darwin update, including risk prevention, visibility and control. These services can rapidly assess clients' public cloud environments and provide a tactical remediation path that enables the business. With the Darwin update, Accenture has infused their unique remediation accelerators with Prisma Cloud’s latest advancements to create a robust risk reduction accelerator for our clients. Significantly reducing the analysis phase and focusing on remediation and prevention is where the combination of Prisma Cloud and Accenture Accelerators brings a unique offering to the market.

If you’d like to learn more about realizing best-in-class, Code to Cloud security in your organization, the Accenture and Palo Alto Networks partnership can help.


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