#ClouderaLife Spotlight: Manoj Shanmugasundaram – Principal Solutions Engineer

#ClouderaLife Spotlight: Manoj Shanmugasundaram – Principal Solutions Engineer

Manoj Shanmugasundaram has been with Cloudera for 5 and a half years bringing his talents to our Solutions Engineering team. 

As a Principal Solutions Engineer, he says his core responsibility is “to take Cloudera’s latest and greatest technology and meet a customer’s complex business requirements, across the data lifecycle, on any cloud or the datacenter.”

As he puts it, “Cloudera puts the customers first”

It’s why the work he does is integral to helping our clients and prospects understand the value of Cloudera and how to utilize the technologies we provide to achieve strategic business outcomes. 

His days are spent engaging with customers to ensure they are getting their solutioning needs met. When he isn’t doing that, Manoj works with various functions of the business – from engineering to sales to leadership – helping to achieve team goals and business objectives.

He shares a sentiment we hear time and time again.

“Everyone is ready to help in any way possible. The collaborative culture is next to none!” 

He has a lot of passion for the work he does

One of his favorite projects was with one of the largest telecommunication companies in the world. He explained that they were working to stream several terabytes of data from hundreds of data sources each day and running real time analytics to detect fraud. 

“This was built more than 5 years ago and this platform is a fundamental part of their fraud detection technology today. The entire company came together to achieve this outcome – I can’t find a better example where such a wholesome effort was put together to solve a customer’s business challenge.” 

People are the heart of Cloudera

When Manoj was asked to describe our culture in a word, “People” is what came to mind.  Just like we ensure our Customers come first, internally, we are also people focused and strive to do right by our employees at every level. It’s this People First culture that Manoj feels sets us apart from other big data companies. 

“Cloudera put’s equal opportunity and employee wellbeing at the top of our business goals.” 

He shared an example of this culture being put into action by highlighting our Unplugged Days. “During the pandemic, everyone around the world was unable to go out the way they used to and it made it challenging for many to unplug from work. With Unplugged Days, Cloudera has given us back some much needed ‘me time’ which has helped us gain mental space and spend quality time with our families.”

We’re a growing company seeking those with a growth mindset

Our work is done across a hybrid multi cloud environment and across various types of analytics including Data in Motion, Data Engineering, Data Warehousing, Machine Learning and more. “Naturally, my skills have to evolve to work on these products and platforms.” It’s a challenge to stay ahead of the curve but it’s one Manoj enjoys. 

When thinking of the future of Cloudera it’s the product vision that excites him most. “How we translate the vision to a roadmap and how the whole company is excited to make it a reality is what fuels me.”

He left us with one last thought. “If you are interested in working on cutting edge technology – if you want to define what cutting edge technology means, and be valued for the work you deliver – Cloudera is the best place to work!”

Want to join Manoj and the other team players making the impossible possible? See which open opportunity is best for you! 


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