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Life at Perficient

Empowering Humanity: Perficient’s 2022 Year-End Trilogy of Charity, Blood Donation, and Wellness

Prft India Blood Drive 2022

2022 is NOW gone, and oh, boy – it was a challenging year for everyone! But now, let’s unwind for a moment – BREATHE and HYDRATE!

So, what’s happening?

The IT world is studded with notable scientists, inventors, researchers, and outstanding personalities. In the spirit of this New Year 2023, we want to highlight our Women in the Tech community, who continue to inspire thousands of women to choose technology and science as career paths. Not only do they inspire women to choose technology and science as career paths, but they also inspire women can multitask!

Before diving in – Kudos to Women in Technology – WiT India for organizing this “Year-End Trilogy.” We received overwhelming responses for all the 3 events.

A public note of appreciation wouldn’t be complete without a sincere “thank you” dedicated to all our readers, followers, viewers, and listeners. We thank you on behalf of the team members at Perficient. Our colleagues and friends make Perficient possible and provide you with the best hosting experience. You can get to know them by looking at our About page.

Are you ready? Let’s jump in!

What is the Trilogy?


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1. A Wish Tree – A Gift for a Child – 15th of December 2022

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Christmas is all about supporting those around you and especially helping our local communities. Our employees had the opportunity to support underprivileged children this holiday season thanks to The Wish Tree, a collaborative project with the Guild of Service, Anaikkum Karangal, and Shraddha Manu. At Perficient Chennai, we help such communities.

The Wishing Tree encourages our colleagues and local businesses to get involved by donating presents from wish lists provided by our charity partners. The campaign has delivered over 1000+ gifts to young and vulnerable people in our city region (Chennai and Bangalore).

Here’s how it works: An employee selects a wish card from the share point that reads, ‘a water bottle’ or ‘a shirt.’ If the employee wishes to sponsor a water bottle, he/she can proceed with this option, which leads to shipment and payment.

Here it is!

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It’s TIME!!


Christmas is the day that holds all time together.

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Our WiT India community members visit the locations (charity), take tags off the trees, and return gifts to the locations before the mid-December deadline.

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A Gift for a Child

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Our Charity Christmas Gift Bag Drive collects requested items for school children who are in need. We heard of the immense joy this drive brings these young children and their community, and one way for us to share our love and charity with those in need.

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Perficient employees will continue to deliver warmth and care for the charity groups by actively participating in charitable events to achieve the greater good of society.

2. Blood Donation – A Gift of Life – 19th of December 2022

“The measure of life is not its duration, but its donation.” – Peter Marshall

“A man’s true wealth is the good he does in this world.” The world today is built with technology, stone, and bricks, but losing the fundamental living of being human. Therefore Women in Technology – WiT India organized a blood donation campaign on the 19th of December 2022 as a small contribution to humankind.


Nearly 100+ employees of Perficient came together in this noble mission to touch thousands of human lives through caregiving and raise awareness about the imperative need for voluntary blood donation in our society.

A systematic process was set up by WiT India, which made the entire blood donation process seem smooth and hassle-free for the donors. The donors also motivated and encouraged their friends who were hesitant to donate blood and helped them overcome their fear of blood donation.

WiT India took a great initiative in organizing the camp and served as a backbone for donors, doctors, and all the supporting staff with seamless coordination and execution. Many of the donors were donating for the first time. Hence all effort was made to keep them in their comfort zones.

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Be the reason for someone’s heartbeat.

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In the end, the Perficient family was satisfied as they realized they had made such a difference and had impacted society.

3. Women in Tech India Proudly Hosts a Session on “A Holistic Program for Mind and Body Well-being” – 22nd of December 2022

There is a strong connection between the mind and the body. When you’re working on your personal development, you must address both your physical health needs and your mental health needs. This means that your mindset, attitude, beliefs, thoughts, feelings, and emotional state directly impact your physical health and vice versa.

Having a holistic view is critical as it views us as a whole being and takes into account all parts of our life: our physical body, our emotional well-being, our mental health, cognition, and spiritual being. This also shows how important things like nutrition are for physical and mental health. This mind-body and holistic view means taking care of all aspects of yourself and making good healthy decisions from a well-rounded perspective.

We had a fantastic person, Dr. Rekha Sudarsan, MA, CBC, IBCLC; she shared her illuminating insights!

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Rekha is a versatile personality. She is an experienced Psychologist, Marathon Runner, Lactation Consultant, and Perinatal Fitness and Wellness specialist. She holds a bachelor’s degree in nutrition and is a certified professional in Healthy eating. Rekha’s sessions on Health and Fitness are sought after in many Corporate Houses and have created awareness of health and well-being.

Things that she discussed on the wellness program.

  • Prioritize health over everything
  • Mind is the thinking component, and the body is the acting component
  • 7 Types of Wellness, Social Wellness, Emotional Wellness, Spiritual Wellness, Environmental Wellness, Occupational Wellness, Intellectual Wellness, Physical Wellness.
  • How to start? Plan -> Check where you stand -> Plan -> Follow through -> Assess periodically
  • 3 Main ingredients for a healthy life – Nutrition, Exercise, and Sleep
  • Mindful eating
  • Maintain food journal
  • Hydrate well
  • Don’t skip breakfast, and keep dinner light!

From Heart… Monumental!

Maya Angelou once said, “How important it is for us to recognize and celebrate our heroes and she-roes!”

We ENJOYED every moment of Perficient’s 2022 year-end trilogy!

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Abishek Balakumar

Abishek is a seasoned marketing professional and experienced content team leader known for his success in driving growth and engagement through innovative marketing initiatives, with a strong interest in consumer behaviour and its psychology. As a marketer, he deeply understands product-market fit, product marketing, business strategy, and business development, with product-expertise and service-oriented segments.

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