Managed Security Service Provider Disruption — Breakaway 1=5

Jun 08, 2023
4 minutes
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As organizations tackle digital transformation and modernization efforts, change can present security challenges and risks. Many organizations lack the cybersecurity skills, automation and resources to effectively execute their security strategies. As a result, they turn to managed security service providers (MSSPs) to address security gaps and meet their needs. At Palo Alto Networks, we’ve seen that managed security services are quickly becoming the preferred method for customers who want to purchase security. Our partner ecosystem is key to our ability to deliver the solutions that customers need, and we are constantly adapting our NextWave Partner Program to guide our partners to success during market transitions.

With change comes opportunity, and together with our partners, we’re perfectly positioned to capitalize on the rapidly growing managed security services market. For some partners seizing this massive opportunity, they will require a business model shift — a commitment to a new way of doing business. For others, it is a continued commitment to investing in the development of new and innovative managed services. Either way, we want to provide MSSPs with a path to success by protecting their investments and rewarding their commitment to building Palo Alto Networks based managed security service offerings.

Managed Security Service Provider Path

With the recent introduction of the NextWave MSSP Path, we are transforming how we enable, reward and support MSSPs. In the last six months we have unveiled a wide-array of managed service enhancements to breakaway from the competition. This ranges from new MSSP post-sales enablement and access to service creation kits, to sharing best practices, such as a service implementation plan.

NextWave MSSPs can take advantage of our new enhancements to scale their managed security services by strengthening their capabilities and enabling their security operation center teams. We are committed to ensuring NextWave MSSPs are on the path to success:

  • Enhancing profitability by unlocking additive discounts based on valued activities, such as deal submission.
  • Enabling differentiation through product specializations and MSSP proficiencies, including two new MSSP proficiencies for Prisma SASE and Cortex XSOAR.
  • Expanding opportunities with MSSP solution, training and growth incentives, plus the ability to retain title/license.
  • Empowering success by sharing best practices, such as the service implementation plan.

More specifically, we have rolled out a few new benefits to help partners develop their Palo Alto Networks based managed security service offerings:

  1. Exclusive access to our Members Only Service Creation Library — A one-stop-shop to learn more about product APIs, third-party product integrations and deployment scenarios.
  2. Access to our Partner Evaluation System — Licensing tool to simplify solution testing and reduce time to market.
  3. Service Implementation Plan — This best practice is key to providing clear guidance and tasks to help NextWave MSSPs build repeatable Palo Alto Networks based managed security services.

Creating a managed security service practice is a major commitment, and we recognize that not all partners are at the same stage in their managed security services journey. Some are just beginning, others are strengthening and some may not be ready to build their Palo Alto Networks based managed security service practice. For this reason, our MSSP Path offers our partners a variety of options. Effective in August 2023, we will unveil a new MSSP Path entry level. The new MSSP Registered entry level will provide our partners with access to the necessary tools, training and resources to develop their Palo Alto Networks based managed security service offering and expertise.

The MSSP Registered entry level is the perfect complement to our more established MSSP Innovators who have both product and post sales expertise. And for those who are not ready to invest in building a Palo Alto Networks based managed security service practice, we have our Partner-to-Partner (P2P) initiative in North America. P2P MSSPs give our solution providers access to Palo Alto Networks based managed security services across our entire product portfolio.

For more than 10 years, our award-winning NextWave Partner Program has been the catalyst for partner change, guiding our partners to success by enabling them to capitalize on market transitions. There has never been a better time to become a NextWave partner. If you’re already a partner, learn more about the MSSP Path and access all of the content listed above (and more) on the partner portal.

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