Ultimate Guide to Serverless at AWS re:Invent 2020

Because you shouldn’t try to drink directly from the water hose

Stacks on Stacks
3 min readNov 18, 2020


Your guide to Serverless at re:Invent

Serverless Guides

As you likely know, AWS re:Invent is free and virtual this year. AWS plans to release thousands of hours of content and make hundreds of announcements over the course of the 3-week event. It’s a lot to take in — even from the comfort of your own home (and sweat pants).

That’s why, the team at Stackery created The Guide to Serverless at re:Invent, meant for anyone interested in serverless development. If you are following the re:Invent Serverless, Architecture, DevOps, or Migration tracks you should also follow us.

We dive deeper to help you understand how the days announcements change the industry and what it means for the future.

We have 4 main themes we will follow throughout re:Invent:

  • Modern Application Architecture
  • Serverless for the Enterprise
  • Serverless and DevOps
  • Serverless Success Stories

Why is this so crucial this year? Because 2020 marks the year serverless goes ‘mainstream.” And these sorts of moments tend to be pivotal for industries.

Modern Application Architecture and Serverless

You should follow if you are a
Serverless Developer, Cloud Architect, Serverless Enthusiast

Focuses on
Biggest architectural news each week and how services are integrated now and in the future.

…we’ve been assimilating all the pieces of the puzzle and listening to customer stories we can start to see the future of cloud application architectures...

One way you can get insights into the future is watching Werner Vogels’ keynote. As Amazon’s CTO he is a technologist at heart who also knows how to build highly scalable and available cloud applications. He hand picks the best new features and stories to highlight in his keynote. If you only watch one session at re:Invent, then watch Werner’s keynote.

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Serverless for the Enterprise

You should follow if you are a
CTO, CIO, VP of Engineering, Technology Leader

Focuses on
What serverless announcements mean for enterprise teams

Too many engineering teams are stymied by Central IT and DevOps teams…often these centralized organizations impede pervasive adoption of powerful AWS managed services because they are entrenched in established policies and processes…

The result …operations teams … lack solutions for providing safe, secure AWS development autonomy. I expect to see more from AWS to help bridge this divide with more guidance on Well-Architected design patterns and security best practices.

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Serverless and DevOps

You should follow if you are a…
SysAdmin, DevOps professional, Developer, IaC enthusiast

Focuses on…
The intersection of AWS, DevOps, and Serverless

On-demand managed services… give every team access to affordable, enterprise-grade architectures …I expect we’ll see a lot about AWS serverless at re:Invent for 3 key reasons.

- Adoption of AWS Serverless has reached over half of AWS users
- They’re facing fierce user-focused competition from the Edge
- AWS has been steadily closing key gaps in offering enterprise-grade managed services

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Serverless Success Stories

You should follow if you looking to
be inspired, build connections, learn from others

Focuses on…
Individuals, teams, and organizations that leverage serverless to move faster, innovate and disrupt.

Since 2017, serverless has been called “the next big thing” and 2020 is the year it arrived.

Here are some highlights:

… the BBC adopted a whole new architecture to make use of serverless, handling tens of thousands of requests per second to bring arts and information to the whole world.

…Serverless is also use[d] in the fight to combat COVID-19. Denis Bauer talked about some of these applications at a recent ServerlessDays.

…We often associate serverless with a “Move Fast and Break Things” philosophy, but what about adoption by enterprises that cannot afford to take risks? Liberty Mutual moved some mainframe tasks over to serverless jobs, and in the process reduced their annual costs for the job from $50,000 to $10 per year.

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Finally, since you made it this far we will give you a little clue about our re:Invent ‘Easter Egg’…

