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Automating Network Simulation in Selenium with Java: A Comprehensive Guide

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Welcome back to the second part of our network simulation series! In this blog, we’ll explore the exciting world of automating network simulation using Selenium and Java. By incorporating network simulation into your automated testing suite, you can ensure that your web applications are thoroughly tested under diverse network conditions. Let’s dive into the step-by-step process of setting up automated network simulation.


Before we start, make sure you have the following prerequisites in place:

Selenium WebDriver Setup:

Ensure that you have Selenium WebDriver configured with your preferred browser driver (e.g., ChromeDriver, GeckoDriver).

Java Development Kit (JDK):

Install the Java Development Kit on your machine. You can download it from the official Oracle website.

IDE (Integrated Development Environment):

Choose an IDE of your preference. IntelliJ IDEA and Eclipse are popular choices for Java development.


Step 1: Setting Up Your Selenium Project

Create a New Project:

Open your IDE and create a new Java project. Configure it with the necessary build tools (e.g., Maven or Gradle).

Add Selenium Dependencies:

Include the Selenium dependencies in your project’s pom.xml (if using Maven) or build file.


<!– Selenium WebDriver –>




<version>3.141.59</version> <!– Replace with the latest version –>


Make sure to use the latest version of Selenium WebDriver.


Step 2: Implementing Network Simulation in Selenium

Instantiate WebDriver with Chrome DevTools:

Initialize your WebDriver with Chrome DevTools to gain access to network-related functionalities.


ChromeOptions options = new ChromeOptions();

options.setExperimentalOption("w3c", false);

WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver(options);

DevTools devTools = ((ChromeDriver) driver).getDevTools();



  • ChromeOptions is used to set browser-specific options.
  • The setExperimentalOption(“w3c”, false) is used to disable the W3C WebDriver protocol. In some cases, this might be necessary for compatibility reasons.
  • ChromeDriver is instantiated with the specified options, and a DevTools instance is created from the driver. This DevTools instance provides access to Chrome DevTools features.


Emulate Network Conditions:

Use the following code to simulate network conditions. Customize the conditions based on your testing requirements.

devTools.send(Network.enable(Optional.empty(), Optional.empty(), Optional.empty()));


    false,   // offline

    100,     // latency in milliseconds

    5000,    // download throughput in megabits per second

    2000,    // upload throughput in megabits per second

    Optional.empty(), Optional.empty(), Optional.empty()



  • devTools.send(Network.enable(Optional.empty(), Optional.empty(), Optional.empty())): This enables the Network domain in Chrome DevTools. The Optional.empty() parameters indicate that there are no specific settings provided.
  • devTools.send(Network.emulateNetworkConditions(…)): This method is used to emulate network conditions. The parameters are:
    • false: Simulates being online (not offline).
    • 100: Simulates a latency of 100 milliseconds.
    • 5000: Simulates a download throughput of 5000 megabits per second.
    • 2000: Simulates an upload throughput of 2000 megabits per second.
    • The last three Optional.empty() parameters are for customizing additional network conditions, such as the maximum request latency, connection type, etc.


Perform Your Selenium Tests:

Write your Selenium tests as usual. The network conditions you specified will be applied during test execution.

Step 3: Running Automated Tests with Network Simulation

Execute your automated tests, and Selenium will now run them under the simulated network conditions. This is particularly useful for evaluating how your web application performs in real-world scenarios with varying network speeds, latency, and connectivity issues.


Advantages of Automated Network Simulation in Selenium

Realistic Testing:

Automation allows you to conduct tests under conditions that closely mimic real-world scenarios, providing more realistic insights into your application’s behavior.

Consistency in Testing:

Automated network simulation ensures consistency in testing, eliminating variations that might arise in manual testing scenarios.

Integration with CI/CD Pipelines:

Incorporate network simulation into your continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipelines for consistent testing across development stages.


When to Use Automated Network Simulation in Selenium

Performance Testing:

Evaluate your web application’s performance under different network conditions to identify and address potential bottlenecks.


Geographic Testing:

Simulate network conditions experienced by users in specific geographic regions, ensuring optimal performance for a diverse user base.


Edge Case Handling:

Test how well your application handles scenarios such as intermittent connectivity, slow network speeds, or complete loss of connection.



By automating network simulation in Selenium with Java, you’ve unlocked a powerful capability to enhance the thoroughness of your testing efforts. This approach ensures that your web applications are resilient and performant under a variety of network conditions.

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Jeet Palan

Jeet Palan is an Technical Consultant at Perficient. He has experience in Manual and Automation testing. In addition to this, he is willing to learn different types of testing and likes to know and learn about new trending technologies.

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