When CloudZero was founded, we committed ourselves to building our platform as a 100% Serverless solution and one that fully embraced the AWS Well-Architected Framework. At times it wasn’t easy, as there were temptations to use EC2 (the Well-Architected Framework hasn’t exactly kept up with Serverless), but both investments were well worth it. It has allowed us to build an enormous amount of value in a very short period of time on a platform that scales, is cost effective, reliable and secure; all of which is very important to our business and to our customers, who put their trust in us.

CloudZero is an AWS Advanced Technology Partner
CloudZero is an AWS Advanced Technology Partner

There is an outcome to this commitment that we are now very happy to announce, and that is CloudZero’s certification as an AWS Advanced Technology Partner.

So what does this mean for CloudZero’s customers and partners? Perhaps you have seen the AWS partner logo on other companies web sites and wondered what the big deal was. We get it, there is a lot to pay attention to these days, the cloud moves pretty fast, if you don’t stop and look around once and a while, you could miss it. So to help, we decided to break down what we think are the two most important things about being an AWS Advanced Technology Partner:

  1. AWS has validated that CloudZero’s AWS technology stack, engineering and disaster recovery processes follow industry and AWS Well-Architected Framework best practices. This was a project that was more than a year in the making, required a lot of time and hard work by both AWS and CloudZero to achieve, and it is a huge honor for us.
  2. CloudZero has developed the right relationships and a tight partnership with AWS that are required to build solutions on AWS successfully and at scale. Many people might not realize just how involved AWS is in the success of their customers, and for partners willing to go the distance it’s no different. For CloudZero, keeping up with AWS isn’t just critical to our engineering efforts it’s also critical to our customers and business. Being an Advanced Technology Partner with AWS means that we can quickly learn about new and upcoming changes, get connected with AWS product teams when we have questions, and stay one step ahead so that all of our customers benefit. 

To AWS, thank you for partnering with us and supporting our success, and to our customers and prospects, we hope that being an AWS Advanced Technology Partner will give you even more peace of mind as you put your faith in our Serverless Intelligence Platform, to help you build Serverless systems bigger, faster and smarter!

The Cloud Cost Playbook

The step-by-step guide to cost maturity

The Cloud Cost Playbook cover