Extract a Number from a String with JavaScript

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User input from HTML form fields is generally provided to JavaScript as a string. We've lived with that fact for decades but sometimes developers need to extract numbers from that string. There are multiple ways to get those numbers but let's rely on regular expressions to extract those numbers!

To employ a regular expression to get a number within a string, we can use \d+:

const string = "x12345david";
const [match] = string.match(/(\d+)/);
match; // 12345

Regular expressions are capable of really powerful operations within JavaScript; this practice is one of the easier operations. Converting the number using a Number() wrapper will give you the number as a Number type.

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  1. Dekel

    the code string.match(/(\d+)/); assumes that a match is found. If no number is present in the string, string.match(/(\d+)/) will return null, and attempting to destructure null will result in an error

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