How to Push to a Git Remote Branch of a Different Name

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Git is one of those tools that I've always known just enough about to be dangerous, and usually tend to learn new skills when I'm in a position to truly need them. Shockingly enough it has taken me roughly 15 years of using git for me to encounter the need to push to a remote branch name whose name is different than my local branch. Of course, you can thank gh-pages for this occurrence.

Pushing to a remote branch of a different name than the local branch is as easy as a ::

# git push {remote} {local_branch_name}:{remote_branch_name}
git push origin gh-pages-wip:gh-pages

For the first time in my career I'm needing to push to the same branch, other than master, from multiple branches at one time. A sensitive branch like gh-pages will do that to you. Happy coding!

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