Match Emojis with Regular Expressions

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When experimenting with unicode property escapes, to identify accented letters in strings, it reminded me of a question I had a few years ago: what is the best way to identify and then replace emojis in a string? I first noticed this practice when using emojis in Facebook -- sometimes Facebook would replace an emoji with one of their own custom images, likely because another device may not support that emoji.

Much the way you can match accented characters, you can use unicode property escapes to match emojis:

const emojis = "😂😂💯".match(/\p{Emoji_Presentation}/gu);

// ["😂", "😂", "💯"]

I've previously seen massive arrays of every emoji ever created, and it may be possible that {Emoji_Presentation} doesn't contain all emojis across all devices, but this regex has matched every case I've come across.


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  1. Roberto

    Great stuff!

    But actually there are quite a few where Emoji_Presentation does not work. Probably most of (all?) marked here as not Emoji_Presentation but Extended_Pictographic or just Emoji.


    work too well (matching 1-9, # and *) but


    seems to do the charm :)

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