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Learn to Find Great Grantmakers with GrantStation

Grantseeking is a vital part of any organization's activities, but it can feel overwhelming. Finding funders that line up with your needs is difficult, especially when it can feel like there are so many to search through. Your time is precious, and it isn't sustainable to give time to every grant you come across. GrantStation provides you access to databases of active funders accepting inquiries. Grants are categorized by the amount, location, mission area, and much more to help you pinpoint the funding opportunities that match your needs.

woman using a laptop in front of a map of the world sees money dropping into a piggy bank

In these four videos from GrantStation, learn how organizations with different mission focuses conduct primary research using the platform. Each uses different factors to narrow down the search results and make smart decisions about which grants to apply for.

On February 14 and 15, 2023, you can get a one-year membership in GrantStation for just $99. Find out more.


Veteran Housing

Discover how a nonprofit organization in Houston, Texas, conducts grantmaker research using GrantStation. This nonprofit helps U.S. veterans with employment, education, and housing.

The organization has a new Housing Repairs Initiative to keep veterans safe in their homes through housing repairs and external beautification projects. They have volunteer groups lined up to do the work but need an estimated $5,000 per home for up to 50 veterans ($250,000).

Education and Youth Services

This video uses the example of a nonprofit after-school program in Connecticut, seeking to expand students' knowledge of science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM). Follow their process to narrow down lists of government and charitable funders in order to find grants that they are eligible for.

This organization is seeking $16,850 in new funds. This sum will support a new curriculum ($750/year); materials and supplies for classroom and community activities ($50/student x 50 students = $2,500); transportation costs (12 trips x $300 = $3,600); and technology ($200 tablet x 50 students = $10,000).


Next, we'll follow a symphony orchestra that wants to provide music education programs for underserved youth. Follow their process to narrow down lists of government and charitable funders in order to find grants that they are eligible for.

The organization is looking for $80,000 to provide the necessary instrument rentals for students.

Food Security

Finally, follow the grantseeking journey of an organization attempting to lessen the number of food deserts. Food deserts are areas without adequate grocery stores or access to healthy foods. Follow their process to narrow down lists of government and charitable funders in order to find grants that they are eligible for.

The organization is looking to expand its reach by installing community gardens in three different communities. It needs $15,000 per garden for a total of $45,000. The land for each of these gardens has already been donated at a total value of $30,000.

More Effective Grantseeking

By using GrantStation to conduct your grants research, you can be more efficient with your time. Narrow down your potential funders to those that are definitely aligned with your needs and mission, saving you the task of digging through each individual funder's information. GrantStation's database of grantmakers is extremely extensive, making it a great investment to save you time and energy in your grantseeking process.


Top photo: Shutterstock