Lead on Purpose

Promoting Leadership Principles in Product Management

How engaged are your employees?

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Employee engagement means much more than employee happiness, and an engaged employee can have such a positive effect on the bottom-line of a company. Conversely, employees who are not engaged have a detrimental effect on a company. There seems to be very little middle ground here, and it is vital companies act now on employee engagement. The evidence is clear that the vast majority of employees do not feel engaged at work.

The following info-graphic from Engaged2perform highlights the importantance of employee engagement is and identifies the key drivers of an employee engagement. Companies who act now have a chance to stand out from the crowd and reap the rewards of having an engaged workforce.

Engagement-Drivers-That- Motivates-Employees

The Product Management Perspective: Product managers have an incredible opportunity to increase the engagement of the team members and employees with whom they work. Look for opportunities to get people in the company excited about your products. As the product ‘evangelist’ you can make a major difference in your company.

One thought on “How engaged are your employees?

  1. Pingback: How engaged are your employees? | ToddKM.com [ My entrepreneur, leader, relationship net-worker Blog]

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