Internet Operations Management for the Department of Defense

Dec 23, 2022
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Next year marks the 50th anniversary of the Global Positioning System (GPS). This incredible and ubiquitous tool enables so much of our daily life, online and offline. GPS was developed by the Pentagon in 1973 to help our military on our U.S. ships and aircraft to know exactly where they were at all times. This breakthrough technology improved our national defense on the physical theater of war against our cold war adversaries.

It is fitting that half a century later, the Pentagon has a new breakthrough capability to support our national cyber defenses. Palo Alto Networks is honored to be the DoD’s partner to provide this new cyber tool to manage attack surface security across the cyber domain.

Palo Alto Networks Has Been Selected to Provide Internet Operations Management (IOM) Capabilities to the DoD

In partnership with ThunderCat Technology, a value-added reseller of our Palo Alto Networks products, we recently entered into a nine-figure, multiyear deal to equip the DoD with Palo Alto Networks Internet Operations Management (IOM) capabilities, powered by the industry's leading attack surface management solution, Cortex® Xpanse™.

At Palo Alto Networks, we are exceptionally proud of our Xpanse platform and its ability to discover, learn and resolve attack surface risks. Xpanse operates by continuously discovering and evaluating cyber attack surface risks on internet-facing assets that exist on premises or in the cloud. Our outside-in view offers complete visibility, which means security isn’t limited to what’s known at a specific point-in-time, potentially incomplete lists of known assets or manual processes. Instead, continuous and automated discovery of all internet assets helps organizations find potential blind spots before threat actors can.

Built to Address Sophisticated Adversaries the DoD Faces

At its inception, Xpanse was built in-part through collaboration with the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). Cortex Xpanse (the same advanced and game changing technology now safeguarding nation-critical DoD digital networks and assets) is also available across the Federal civilian government, state and local government, as well as the private sector.

Federal agencies, for example, can use Xpanse to aid in complying with DHS requirements to augment their asset visibility and vulnerability detection capabilities in Binding Operational Directive 23-01.

Government agencies continue to be targeted by nation-state adversaries, criminal enterprises and other antagonists. Our capabilities can change the game for your agency. Xpanse provides the complete, current and accurate source of truth about the entire enterprise attack surface, even when it is distributed, fragmented and dynamic. Xpanse helps remove the manual work your security team faces when managing the attack surface. With our discovery capabilities, we help you know your network better than your attackers.

Our Observations from Internet-Exposed Systems and Services:
  • Over a third of customer IT assets are unknown to their SOC team.
  • Over two-thirds of customers have faced an attack to this invisible subset of their digital assets.
  • Adversaries are scanning for common vulnerabilities and exposures (CVEs) five minutes after disclosure, where Xpanse is consistently faster.

A Commitment to Securing the Public Sector

DOD’s announcement and partnership is another proofpoint in our unwavering commitment to securing the most critical public sector networks, like yours. Every day our people and our technology platforms are at work defending Federal agencies and U.S. states. We welcome the opportunity to show you how Xpanse works and how it can be a key part of your security program.

Experience How Xpanse Can Help Power Your Cyber Strategy

Talk to an expert today to learn more or get a demo of this powerful capability.

Watch the recording of Matt Kraning, Cortex chief technology officer, and Ryan Gillis, vice president of strategy and global policy at Palo Alto Networks, for a discussion on how we are “Supercharging The DoD’s Cyber Defenses with Internet Operations Management.” Register today for access!

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