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Life at Perficient

Dallas Leaders Drive Positive Culture

Dallas Town Hall

Company Culture, Collaboration, and Teamwork

You will hear me say it time and time again: It’s all about the company culture; we pride ourselves on our people! At Perficient, you are part of something truly special – I cannot echo that enough. We are a fast-growing, global digital consultancy that challenges, champions, and celebrates our people. You will experience a unique and collaborative culture that values every voice!


Company Culture – “If You Build It, They Will Come”

Every month the Dallas Geo holds an in-person town hall for all Dallas based Perficient Colleagues. Did you know that Dallas is home to over 200 Perficient employees!

This is led by our newest Managing Director-Dallas, Gina Hart and several other Business Unit Leaders: David Gordon- Project Manager, Dallas Consulting, Kevin Kelly- Director, Dallas Consulting, and Ben Smith- Project Manager, Dallas Consulting to name a few!

What better time than now, to come into the office, meet your colleagues face to face and enjoy time together. Perficient is about its people, and we are building a collaborative culture among all of our colleagues filled with teamwork and FUN!


Understanding why colleagues select Perficient and stay here is critical in ensuring we can continue to sustain and grow top-notch talent. We’re building an environment that challenges, champions, and celebrates its people.

Our People Promise and its supporting attributes include Growth for Everyone; Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging; Global Footprint with Genuine Connections; and Biggest Brands – express the commitment we make to our people with hopes to foster an environment and culture that not only attracts but retains the most talented in our industry to build long and prosperous careers with us.

This month we learned more about two Perficient Dallas Colleagues: Don Ford- Director, Corporate Performance Management and Jahleel Barnes- Senior Consultant within Digital Marketing Consulting that we otherwise might not know. We heard stories we can relate to about sweet dogs, travel, passions, hobbies, favorite quotes, and so much more.

Additionally, we listened to recognition, growth opportunities, clients and projects we are pursuing, how we Collaborationcan leverage our partnerships and networks, and future volunteer opportunities.

Team Building

We ended the meeting with a leap day team building activity curiosity of Ben Smith! It was just 5 minutes where we were to build a catapult with a few materials such as popsicle sticks, a spoon and rubber bands. We weren’t given a lot of direction, just that the frogs (which were actually golf balls) had to be launched on a horizontal surface and from a catapult supported by its own power. It was interesting to see how the teams worked together and what they could accomplish in just 5 minutes. We then tested them and had some laughs! There were a few clear winners, but I was not one of them. I might need to brush up on my engineering skills.

Leap Day

Last month, we played a 6th degree of separation type game, where we learned facts about one another and had to see what commonalities we shared!

I look forward to next month’s town hall, which falls on World Down Syndrome Day, 3/21!

Our Dallas Geo is rallying around WDSD and supporting awareness and acceptance in a variety of ways! If you are a local Perficient Dallas Colleague, come join the fun!

What activity will be incorporated in March! Do you have any guesses?

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Katie Burwell, Senior Talent Acquisition Specialist

Katie Burwell is an experienced technical recruiter passionate about building relationships and creating brand awareness. Understanding the importance of sharing content and being a thought leader helps build trust in the communities she serves. She is a Sr. Talent Acquisition Specialist for several local business units, including Dallas, Houston, and Ohio, and national business units, Commerce and Oracle. While she may support those business units, she is also willing to help in whatever capacity she can! Katie often gives back to her community and is an avid Down Syndrome advocate.

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