ISTQB certified AgileEngine as a Silver Partner

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AgileEngine has always been serious about quality assurance — we’ve even developed a proprietary tool that makes UI testing automation 10x faster. Our QA/AQA expertise has helped ensure stable releases for several companies recognized as leading solutions in their respective industries. This includes the world’s top-1 virtualization software, job search engine, logistics-tracking AI, and more.

Software testing has long become part of our DNA and a primary area of our expertise as a vendor. For this reason, we are stoked to announce that AgileEngine has been recognized by the International Software Testing Qualifications Board (ISTQB) as a Silver Partner.

The certifications program developed by ISTQB rates software engineering vendors and product companies based on the number of certified QA/AQA experts. Other companies featured by ISTQB as partners include QA-specific vendors and renowned technology brands like Fujitsu, Canon, and T-Mobile.

AgileEngine logo featured on the ISTQB website alongside Fujitsu, Canon, and T-Mobile


The organization behind one of the most successful certification programs in QA and AQA, ISTQB is known in 120 countries worldwide. The organization has issued more than 673,000 certifications and administered 920,000 exams that cover Agile testing, automation, security, and other areas of expertise.

About AgileEngine

AgileEngine is an international team of software professionals located in the US, Ukraine, and Argentina. Well-versed in software testing and automation, AgileEngine has helped introduce and improve quality assurance for products in data, BI, media, e-commerce, cybersecurity, and other spaces. From manual testing on emulators and devices to automation supported by CI – our expertise covers every aspect of the QA process.