Thursday, March 16, 2023

Agile, Stand-ups, TDD and Code Reviews

When the Agile Manifesto came out 20 years ago, I really liked what it said.

At the time, I was banging away in a startup. Obviously, in that sort of environment, you can’t just go waterfall. Or even partial waterfall, or really have any water at all. It all has to be very reactive; you keep fiddling with the code until it gets traction. Then you figure out why it got traction and try to leverage that for even more traction. Startups were quite agile long before the manifesto used that term.

You can’t lay out a grand plan for yearly releases. You make some changes, polish it quickly, then get it out there for feedback. It is naturally iterative, and the cycle length is heavily dependent on the size of the work and the risks of not releasing it.

So, the essence of the Manifesto fit really well with the way we were forced to work. It’s fast-paced, hectic, and very risky. But if we get traction, it was well understood that we’d slow right down and do it properly.

Over the decades as I watched the Agile movement mature, I was often fairly vocal about what I thought were mistakes in its direction. In order to sell its ideas to corporations, Agile ended up formalizing itself.

I think that is a huge mistake, in that anything formal is inherently static, which is exactly what being agile was about avoiding. That is, either you are agile, or you are static, there really is no in-between.

Agile as a formal process is really only definable as the other parts of the heavier processes that you throw away and avoid. Whatever is left is just enough to barely keep going. Then you are truly agile.

But the other deficiency was that a lightweight process makes a huge amount of sense in the middle of the chaos of a startup. You really don’t know what you are building until you’ve built enough of it to spark interest. So you build, pivot, build, pivot, etc. Under those conditions, it doesn’t make sense to cross all the t’s and dot the i’s as the life expectancy of the code is weeks or months. Just whack it out, see if it sticks, and then go back to the drawing board. Most releases are just demos.

These two things tend to make agile an excellent fit for startups and an impossibly bad fit for large projects in large organizations. It just doesn’t scale up or formalize properly.

There are lots of problems, but we can cherrypick a few that are representative. As a great example, Stand-ups always come to mind.

A big problem in development, particularly when a lot of people are introverts, is communication.

There are millions of details, flying all over the place, and you need to get some reliable form of communicating them, even for groups that are rather quiet. Because of this, leads in tight spaces, often develop the habit of bouncing around, every morning, to all of their people and just getting a one-on-one quick update. “Is everything ok? Are you blocked on something? What do you need me to do?”

Depending on the work, the people, and the scheduling, some coders need at least a daily hookup, while others can go a week or so without a status update. So, many of the leads get into the habit of just making rounds in the morning before they get down to their own work. Which is very agile, but also subjective and variable.

But Agile decided that you can’t package that and sell it. Instead, they came up with an “optimized” method of having the lead pull everyone together, every morning, for quick updates. But since it is now a group effort, they tried to keep it time constrained by having everyone stand up during the meeting, in the hopes that people’s feet will tire out. That’s why it is called a ‘stand-up’.

If you’ve guessed it already, that is a formal and somewhat diminutive means of ensuring that the leads maintain their communication. It’s also awful and there is nothing “agile” about it. You mandate a stupid meeting, every day, even when it is useless.

As well, maybe you save the lead a bunch of time, but that comes by stealing time from the rest of the group. Mostly that is a bad idea. Communication is good, but some weird immature formalization of it is bad.

We see the same kinda thing with unit testing.

Clearly, the best way to test any software is with fully automated ‘system’ testing that is thorough enough that it can be used for full regression testing. That is really the only way to ensure really high quality, but it is also crazy expensive. In its fullest form, it is at least as much code as the thing it is going to test, and you have to build a custom version of it, every time, for every system. Way too expensive for most projects.

So, unit tests are great for ensuring that a few components amongst the whole set, have good quality. Good tests are expensive to write, but if you are careful and put your limited efforts into the right areas, it pays off huge dividends. You find way more bugs than you would have by doing manual testing. But you certainly will not find all of the bugs, and if the tests are crappy, you won’t find many bugs.

But in the crazy rush to sell Agile, the tagline was that unit testing was all that was needed. That if you somehow got full coverage in unit tests, then it would find every bug and your quality would be perfect, which is insane.

But it got worse. Some people invented a fun little game called “test driven development” (TDD). You write the unit test first, then write the code to pass that test. It’s actually a neat exercise and I’ve always thought that it should be used heavily in education. It forces a programmer to think both about the “inside” of the code, and about what is “outside” as well.

The problem is that as often is the case, some other people figured that this game was something that everyone should do, all of the time. They even said that it would, all by itself, make you a better programmer. While I think TDD has some good qualities, and I do believe it would really help new programmers learn the art, it would be useless for someone like me who has been coding, steadily, for thirty years, and it would also have no real bearing on making large complex components any better.

In that second case, the order that you create the test cases will dictate the order that you build the code, which will influence the way you build the code. That is, the very best code is directly tied to a very specific set and order of the tests. If you don’t come up with those tests in that order, you won’t arrive at that code.

You wouldn’t notice this deficiency with small examples, but the moment you started doing real stuff, and the order got bounced around by issues like changing scope, there could be no real expectation that at the end, the code was any good, let alone anything less than spaghetti. Code is only ever not a mess when someone explicitly understands it and they keep it organized. There are few external forces that can do that automatically, TDD is not one of them.

Overall testing is very important. And every expensive. So, you use very different types of tests for the different parts of the program, depending on the scheduling. You might need to make sure one piece is nearly flawless, but for some of the others it is cheaper to just toss it out there and fix it later. It depends, and it has no easy answers, thus it defies formalizing. Because if it is formal, it is exceptionally long and painful.

My last example is code reviews.

Way back, when I was very young, we had a massive project that needed super high quality. We absolutely did code reviews. Because none of the modern tools existed then, we literally rolled our own repo and the reviews were baked into that code. It was good, in that a few times I caught an epic disaster long before it escaped into the wild. You absolutely need that for high-quality work.

So, code reviews, in general, are great, and they act as a form of vetting the code before it gets out the door. Pre-testing it could be called.

The problem is that since that initial experience, pretty much every time since when I’ve seen people do code reviews, they have been worse than useless. Either they don’t seriously look at the code, or they nitpick stupid stuff. I can’t think of one example like that earlier one, where code reviews saved the day. They’ve all been silly and ineffective.

The core problem is coding standards and conventions.

In that early work, we had extremely strict standards and conventions. You 'had' to follow them, and it was obvious when you didn’t. But they weren’t arbitrary, they were put together as a means of defensive programming, which we needed to get that high quality.

When I saw code reviews later, the teams didn’t want to be strict at all, therefore the reviews themselves were compromised. That is if you don’t have a well-defined set of “rules” then reviewing any code against no rules is useless. It’s just subjective at that point.

Sadly, the industry turned away from a lot of the earlier, stricter, better practices, believing that they were too slow, and thus granting a lot more freedom to all of the programmers. But that freedom has a bunch of costs, like poor readability and obviously, making code reviews useless. You can’t code review just for the sake of saying you reviewed the code, you have to review it for some very specific reasons, like standards and conventions.

And so we see that it’s a tradeoff again. If you let any programmer do anything they want, then any sort of code review is entirely useless. If you clamp down hard on what code is acceptable, then you can review stuff to ensure that it is following those rules.

So you can’t just formalize code reviews without formalizing coding itself. It’s not going to work. And it’s like the other examples. They take something that sounds good, that in some cases is happening naturally, then try to make a “formal process or rule” out of it and add it to the methodology.

All of that would be fine if it worked, but you really don’t need to be agile or super reactive for most large development projects anyways. That is, mostly the stuff is a late-stage rewrite of some other stuff that failed because its quality degraded to rock bottom. It doesn’t need to be agile, what you need is to do a better job building stuff, so it is less flaky and lasts for longer. Good engineering is better than extreme reactivity. And that usually requires thinking, planning, learning and patience. It’s needs to be proactive.

I was very surprised that the Agile sales job did as well as it did. I guess big companies were struggling with coding anyways and were desperate for anything that might work. Still, it seems odd that a big company would want an “agile process” just like a startup, but then they cripple it by badly formalizing the “agile” parts of it away. So, you don’t get “agile”, you get an overly reactive game that tries really hard to not think ahead of itself, while mindlessly spewing out bad code forever, or what we like to call “fragile”.

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