Software testing tips and tricks

When you hear the term software testing, do you think about one particular type of test — such as functional testing or Non Functional testing — or do you immediately start visualization the complex, interconnected web of test types that comprise the broad world of software testing?

Most experienced test engineers and developers understand that software testing isn’t a singular approach, it refers to a collection of tests and evaluates that aim to determine whether a software application works as it is according to the expectation and if it can be expected to continue working as it should in real-world use scenarios. Basically, software testing aims to ensure that all the Functions work smoothly and work together and full fill all the requirements.

Some important and realistic questions facing test engineers and developers to enhance the quality of software:

  • Can the application withstand the demand of a heavy load
  • Do all features function work as expected?
  • Is the application reasonably easy to use?
  • Testing the complete application using millions of test combinations?
  • And others

Software Testing Tips

  1. Don’t treat the quality assurance as a final development phase.
  2. Encourage clarity in bug reporting. (a good bug report can save time by avoiding miscommunication)
  3. Treat testing like a team effort. (Your goal is to make sure everyone involved in the project with a solid understanding of the application or project)
  4. Use tools to make testing easy.
  5. Your user documentation should be tested, too. ( some functionality that is clear to one person is rocket science to another)
  6. Keep open lines of communication between testing teams. (Communication allows to the team to compare results and share effective solutions to problems faced during the test)
  7. Testing is about reducing risk. (The goal of testing software is not to find bugs. It’s to reduce the risk by testing to find and helping eliminate problems that would most greatly impact the customer using the software.)
  8. Think outside of the box.(They require testers to become real users for some time and try the most unthinkable scenarios)
  9. Make sure developers have the test cases.(It is a good practice if the test engineer gives his test cases to the developer to verify that all the important functionalities are developed properly and working properly before he releases the application for further testing.)

Write the Effective test cases:

  • The first and foremost tip is to make effective test cases rather than more test cases. The Effective test cases are the ones that have been used to find defects with the highest possibility. While writing test cases or self-reviewing them, testers must pay attention to the effectiveness by referring to the required documents and know what could go wrong in what functionality.
  • When the tester has complete knowledge of the application, what is implemented in the application, what is expected output of it, and how to use the application efficiently then it becomes easy to find out the weak and strong areas of the application under test.
  • The tester should be familiar with all the functionality of the application under test. Also what function is supposed to be most important? By doing this, the tester will have an idea of what could be the priority of testing when time is limited.
  • When an application is introduced/updated to a new change, it is highly recommended that regression testing should be done to check whether due to the new change has affected any other functionality or not. Testers should have a bunch of regression test cases to run every time a new change or feature is introduced to make sure that all the major functions are working properly or not. That helps make basic testing quick and efficient.

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