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We Are Made in Tandem

JC Grubbs Founder & Chief Executive Officer

We are Made in Tandem.

This announcement might seem both exciting and anticlimactic. You might even be thinking to yourself, ‘weren’t you already Made in Tandem?’ And in many ways, we already were! The Made in Tandem name is not a revolutionary change to our brand, but an evolutionary one that has occurred organically, almost without our input.

To show you how we got here, let me take you on a quick retrospective. Our company’s story began in 2011 when I founded DevMynd in an attempt to create the kind of company I wanted to work for: a software consultancy that brought warmth and humanity to the often-cold world of traditional consulting.

Over the first few years of DevMynd’s life our name served us well because it echoed our value proposition of matching highly skilled engineers with really challenging problems. It was a good name and it helped us build an outstanding culture and reputation.

As the company matured, our culture and processes coalesced into a philosophy of how we work with our clients. Our team approaches problems co-creatively and in partnership, bringing together the disciplines of research, design, data, engineering, and strategy. By 2018, we had left the DevMynd name behind and adopted a new brand identity that reflects that philosophy: Tandem.

Now, we are refining our name, just slightly. Today we are officially embracing that our brand is Made in Tandem. That ‘Made in’ has always been an unspoken part of our moniker – implied in our messaging, quietly sitting in our website URL and social media handles – but in the spirit of Continuous Improvement (one of our core values), we’ve realized that the ‘Tandem’ brand without the ‘Made in’ just isn’t as indicative of who we are. By elevating the ‘Made in’ to its rightful, official place in our company name, we’re reinforcing that we are here to help our clients analyze, conceptualize, and create the software that will drive their business forward.

Becoming Made in Tandem doesn’t represent a big change in how we operate as a software consultancy. Rather, it’s an overdue update that better reflects our team’s values, practices, and dedication to co-creation.

Whether you’re a client, team member, or community partner, thank you for the part you’ve played in our organization’s story up until this point. It’s because of the progress we’ve made together that today, our company officially moves toward the future as Made in Tandem.

Let’s do something great together

We do our best work in close collaboration with our clients. Let’s find some time for you to chat with a member of our team.

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