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Evaluating a Microservice Architecture

JC Grubbs Founder & Chief Executive Officer

Microservice architecture has been a hot topic in the realm of software development for a while now. It’s often portrayed as a revolutionary method for constructing software systems that are scalable, adaptable, and efficient. However, like any technology, it has its strengths and weaknesses. A post from Amazon Prime Video a few months ago has certainly stirred the pot in IT discussions of late. This blog post will provide a balanced view of the advantages and disadvantages of microservice architecture for enterprise software systems.

The Advantages of Microservices

Microservice architecture is a method of building applications as a suite of small, independently deployable services. These services are structured around business functions and interact with each other through APIs and message queues. This architectural style offers several key benefits:

Independent Scalability

Microservices are designed to be deployed and scaled independently. This means that organizations can easily scale up or down individual services as required to manage changes in traffic or workload. This contrasts with a monolithic architecture, where scaling often involves scaling the entire application, which can be expensive and often has an upper speed limit that can be difficult to break through.


Microservices allow teams to work on individual services independently, making it easier to implement new features and make modifications without impacting the entire application. This adaptability also enables teams to adopt a more agile approach to software development, allowing them to quickly respond to customer needs.

High Dependability and Fault Isolation

Microservices are designed to operate independently, meaning a failure in one service won’t necessarily cause the entire application to fail (though some care must be taken on the consumer side of a service to implement this kind of tolerance). This results in more robust applications that can withstand failures in individual services.
Microservices are made up of modular services, making it easier to understand how each service contributes to the overall application. This modularity can improve the maintainability of the application, as developers can easily identify and fix issues without disrupting the overall application.


In a microservice architecture, organizations can easily reuse individual services across multiple applications and use cases. This can save time and resources, resulting in faster time-to-market and ensuring consistency and standardization across different applications and use cases.

The Disadvantages of Microservices

While a microservices architecture has many benefits, it’s important to acknowledge the drawbacks:


Microservices architecture can be more complex to design, build, and operate than monolithic architectures. Managing multiple services, APIs, and data stores can require additional tooling and operational overhead, increasing the overall effort of running a system. This complexity also comes into play when handling the change management overhead of introducing breaking changes or updates to individual services.


In a microservices architecture, each service is typically deployed independently and communicates with other services over the network. This can introduce additional latency, as data needs to be transmitted over the network and processed by each service. As a result, slower response times and reduced performance can occur. Careful attention should be paid to caching strategies and performance monitoring to overcome latency issues.

Integration Challenges

Integrating multiple services can be more challenging in microservices architecture, especially when dealing with legacy systems or services that don’t support modern APIs and protocols. This can require additional integration infrastructure and tooling, which can increase complexity and effort. As microservices are deployed, careful attention to program management should be taken to address such challenges.

The Future of Microservices

The future of microservices is likely to be shaped by several emerging technologies and trends, particularly serverless computing. Serverless computing is a cloud computing model in which the cloud provider manages the infrastructure and automatically allocates resources as needed. It’s an event-driven architecture whereby developers write code in the form of functions, which are triggered by events and executed in a stateless environment.

However, it’s important to note that the two architectures aren’t mutually exclusive, and organizations may choose to use one or even both approaches depending on their needs. When combined, microservices are used to break down applications into smaller manageable components, while serverless technology can be used to manage the execution and scaling of these components.

Wrapping Up

Despite all the social media hype that “microservices are dead,” the approach is far from obsolete and continues to be a practical approach for many enterprises. However, it’s crucial to weigh the architecture’s potential drawbacks and the nature of your projects before making your decision.

Technologies such as serverless computing and Kubernetes may influence the future of microservices, and organizations should stay abreast of these developments to make informed decisions about their system architecture strategy.

While microservices can offer many benefits, they may not be the best approach for all applications. For smaller applications, using the microservice architecture might be excessive. A simple monolithic architecture will suffice, as it doesn’t require the additional complexity and maintenance overhead that microservices can introduce.

It’s also important to remember that replacing a large, unstructured system with distributed smaller, unstructured systems will only exacerbate the problem. You will soon face a project to revert back to the monolithic system. Unfortunately, organizations that pursue smaller, unstructured systems often blame microservices rather than their poor architectural decisions.

To quote the original Amazon blog, “Microservices and serverless components are tools that do work at high scale, but whether to use them over monolith has to be made on a case-by-case basis.” And, the menu of approaches: microservices, monoliths, serverless/stateless, messaging, etc can all play a role in a robust systems architecture when employed wisely.

In the end, architecture is about delivering business outcomes. Start with the desired outcomes before discussing technical design. Don’t just blindly follow trends without understanding them. Understand how an architecture adds value and its trade-offs. Know your desired business outcomes and how an architecture aligns (or doesn’t) to those outcomes. Be clear about how your IT organizational structure is aligned (or misaligned) with your business design. Most important of all, never forget: Employing microservices for microservices’ sake won’t make up for poor coupling and cohesion decisions.

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