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Day in the Life

A Day in the Life: Kitto Khrangtong

Kitto Khrangtong Engineering

Ever wonder what it’s like to work at Tandem? In this series, we’re taking a peek into the everyday life of Tandem’s product designers and software engineers. 


I usually wake up anywhere between 5am and 5:30am and down a glass of water to get the day started. By 6am, I’m at the gym either lifting and/or doing different drills depending on how I feel that day. After that I head home, eat some breakfast, and then get in the headspace to be ready for work!

8:30 a.m.

I start work between 8:30am and 9am. Before signing into work, I take a look at my list of notes from the previous day to see what I had in mind for today’s work, making sure I’m still on the same page with my past self. Then I dive into my messages and emails, checking out the awesome stuff that’s being shared in various software/web-related newsletters.

10 a.m.

By 10am, I’m diving into the tasks that I had set out the day before, digging into various resources like blog posts, videos, and documentation to strengthen my understanding of the work ahead. I also do this to provide points of reference for those already a part of or those coming into my workflow so I can better convey talking points and solutions. Today I’m pairing on tickets to create a batch contract signing process for one of our clients!


At noon, I’m joining project syncs to catch up on what everyone on the project has been up to. It’s great to see those we’re working with regularly!

Since there’s not much time between project sync and lightning round, I use the remainder of my noon hour to have a self retro. I reflect on the work I’ve done in the morning and plan my work for the second half of the day.

1 p.m.

It’s lightning round time for me! It was nice to have Tandem-wide face time and catch up with everyone. Now it’s finally lunch time too! I’m either going to have some boring meal prepped food I prepared a few days before, or if schedules permit, I’ll head to a friend’s place for group lunch with the squad.

3 p.m.

Update: I decided to stay in to have a boring, meal prepped lunch of too much ground turkey in a lettuce wrap seasoned with random spices and sauces that I picked up when prepping this mess.

At this point in the day, I’m very likely pairing up with someone on different tasks, it could be project related, it could be internal. This time I’m pairing with Charles to continue our work with the batch contract signing process. Much of the last half of my day is used for interacting with co-workers or project team members on whatever tasks may be priority at that time — an awesome time to learn from others and become more cohesive.

4:30 p.m.

Around 4:30-4:45pm, I’ll start winding down for the work day, putting finishing touches on what I was working on and preparing notes for the next day.

After Work

After work, I’ll most likely look into the things around the house that I’ve undoubtedly been putting off and either decide to do them OOOR put them off for another day…

Lately, I’ve been getting into rock climbing/bouldering, which might become a regular after-work activity! And I of course make time to catch up with family and friends.

Do you want to work with Kitto and the rest of the Tandem team? Check out our Careers page to apply for our open positions!

Let’s do something great together

We do our best work in close collaboration with our clients. Let’s find some time for you to chat with a member of our team.

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