
How to Prepare for a Scrum Master Interview

The latest State of Agile report once again highlighted Scrum as the most popular Agile approach: 66% of companies follow it closely, and an additional 15% follow derivations of Scrum (ScrumBan 9% and Scrum/XP 6%). Understandably, then, there’s a huge demand for Scrum Masters. With this article, we aim to provide you with the best possible understanding of what a scrum master interview is usually like. Take a look at our take on how to prepare for a scrum master interview. This article also includes information about the most frequently asked scrum master interview questions and common practices.

What is the Scrum Master responsible for?

Before we start with preparations for the interview, let’s figure out who the Scrum Master is and what responsibilities they have.

The Scrum Master is the coach for the Scrum Team. They help clarify how to use Scrum, what the values are, why transparency is important, and why we need to continuously inspect and adapt the process.

The Scrum Guide says that:

The Scrum Master is accountable for the Scrum Team’s effectiveness. They do this by enabling the Scrum Team to improve its practices, within the Scrum framework.

Scrum guide

Scrum Master interview questions

1. Scrum Master Role

The Scrum Master is a true leader for the team, and the leadership style here is entirely different from classic project management. The main goal of the Scrum Master is to teach the team and nurture them to become self-managed. The Scrum Master doesn’t solve all issues but instead shows the Team how to do that. Understanding these basics will help you think in the right mindset and answer tricky questions during an interview.

Questions for Scrum Master interview

Scrum Master interview questions about the basics might include the following:

  • Describe the responsibilities of the Scrum Master.
  • What is a self-managed team?
  • How can a Scrum Master build a self-managed team?
  • What leadership style makes sense for a Scrum Master? 

2. Agile and Scrum Theory

A must-have for a candidate is a deep understanding of agile and scrum theory.Here, we specifically mean the latest edition of the Scrum Guide, and the Agile Manifesto and the Twelve Principles behind it. Try to understand the Manifesto, the meaning of each statement, and how to implement them in the real world. And be ready to demonstrate what benefits the project will have.

Often, candidates come to an interview and don’t know the difference between Sprint Review and Retrospective, or don’t care about old and new editions of the Scrum Guide. The Scrum guide is only 14 pages long; even if you are a Scrum Master now or have already read it, read it one more time before the interview. Knowing and understanding the Scrum Guide will at least guarantee you a few more correct answers in an interview.

Questions for a Scrum Master interview in Agile and Scrum theory

  • What is Agile?
  • What is Scrum?
  • What benefits does Scrum give us?
  • How is Scrum organized?
  • What is the purpose of each event in Scrum?
  • What events are mandatory for the Scrum Master to attend?
  • What is a Daily Meeting and how should it be managed?
  • What would be your agenda for Sprint planning? 

3. Coaching and Facilitation

The Scrum Master must be a good facilitator, so you should be ready to answer questions about the facilitation of meetings. It’s good to know at least a few facilitation techniques. To pass Scrum Master practical interview questions, be ready to answer both theoretical questions and the inevitable follow-up: “How, exactly?” So, for example, as a situational interview question for Scrum Master, you may be asked to conduct a Retrospective — how would you do it?

The Scrum Guide says that the Scrum Master is a coach. A set of coaching skills, techniques, and tools is needed for successful work with both the Product Owner and Developers.

Scrum Master interview questions: facilitation and coaching:

  • What is facilitation/coaching?
  • What facilitation techniques do you know?
  • Could you please conduct a Retrospective right now? Here’s a hint! 

4. Backlog management questions for a Scrum Master interview

Product Owners are people who come from business; quite often they don’t know how Scrum is organized and how to manage the Backlog appropriately. So knowing different prioritization techniques also will be a plus.

Product Owners struggle with Backlog organizing. The Scrum Master, as a Coach, must help with this chaos from unorganized User stories. You should know at least about the User story mapping technique of organizing requirements and how to work with the Backlog in a task tracking system. For example, as advice, you may suggest creating Epics and Features within the Backlog, group them, and group User stories under them.

Scrum Master Interview Questions about Product Backlog Management:

  • What is a Product Backlog?
  • What are the Product goal and Sprint goal?
  • Give an example of a well-formed user story.
  • What is the difference between the Definition of Done and Acceptance Criteria?
  • What is a Definition of Ready?
  • What is a Product backlog refinement?
  • What are SMART and INVEST? 

5. Team Management

Not only the Product owner, but Developers also might need help in becoming Agile-thinking team members. Not all team members will have experience working with Scrum, or you might even face a situation where the team sabotages some of the Scrum events. What would you do in such cases?

In situations where the team doesn’t support Scrum as a process, remember Scrum values: commitment, focus, openness, respect, and courage. Explain to the team the benefits of each and why we need every event, especially Sprint Review and Retrospectives. Keep in mind that, for many people, it is hard to change the way they work and think, especially if they have previously followed a completely different approach.

A candidate for a Scrum Master position should also know team forming stages and conflict resolution techniques.

Scrum Master practical interview questions about team management:

  • What is a self-managed team?
  • What are Scrum values?
  • What team-forming stages do you know?
  • What conflict resolution techniques do you do?
  • What are the benefits of using Scrum? 

6. Estimation in Scrum

Estimation techniques are among the most popular questions to ask a Scrum Master candidate during an interview. To be well-prepared for these questions, you should not only be able to describe planning poker and story points (those two are must-haves), but also at least a few more techniques: the bucket system, dot voting, T-shirt sizing.

To answer estimation questions, read about why we use the Fibonacci series in Scrum and explain to the team how to estimate in story points.

Questions for a Scrum Master interview about estimation techniques:

  • What estimation techniques do you know?
  • How would you facilitate a new team’s very first Refinement session?
  • What are the advantages of relative estimation?
  • What are capacity and velocity?
  • How is velocity measured? 

7. Project Metrics

A candidate should know the definition of the metric itself, the metric’s purpose, and at least a few metrics that could be used for Scrum teams. Please don’t limit your knowledge and experience to velocity with its different variations. A lot of good metrics are proposed by in the Evidence-Based Management Guide. It is also useful to know the definition and use of Kanban metrics, such as work item age, throughput, the difference between Cycle time and Lead time, and how to read cumulative flow diagrams.

Questions for a Scrum Master interview about project metrics:

  • What is a metric?
  • What project metrics do you know?
  • What is a Burndown chart?
  • How is cycle time measured?
  • What metrics does it make sense to collect to measure the project’s progress?

Scrum master interview process

The interview process for a Scrum Master role typically varies across organizations but often consists of several common stages:

  1. Initial Screening or Phone Interview:
    This phase involves a brief conversation with a recruiter or hiring manager to discuss your background, experience, and basic understanding of agile methodologies. They may ask about your motivations, relevant skills, and alignment with the company culture.
  2. Technical Assessment or Test:
    Some companies conduct a technical assessment or test to evaluate your knowledge of agile principles, Scrum framework, and practical application of these concepts. This could involve scenario-based questions, problem-solving exercises, or even a written test assessing your understanding of agile practices.
  3. Behavioral Interviews:
    Behavioral interviews focus on your past experiences, particularly situations related to agile project management, conflict resolution, team facilitation, and stakeholder management. Interviewers will delve into specific examples from your career to assess how you handled various scenarios and your approach to dealing with challenges.
  4. Role-Specific Interviews:
    In this stage, you might have interviews with team members, senior Scrum Masters, product owners, or stakeholders. These interviews aim to gauge how well you might fit within the existing team structure and how you collaborate with various stakeholders in an agile environment.
  5. Case Studies or Simulations:
    Some organizations conduct case studies or simulations to evaluate your ability to apply Scrum principles to real-world scenarios. You might be presented with a project case and asked to demonstrate how you would handle it using agile methodologies.
  6. Final Interview or Panel Interview:
    A final interview or panel discussion may involve senior leadership or key decision-makers within the organization. This interview typically focuses on broader aspects such as cultural fit, long-term goals, and how your role as a Scrum Master aligns with the company’s vision and objectives.
  7. Reference Checks:
    After successful rounds of interviews, the company might conduct reference checks to verify your qualifications, experience, and work ethic with previous employers or colleagues.

It’s essential to prepare thoroughly for each stage of the interview process. Remember, the interview process for a Scrum Master role isn’t solely about showcasing technical expertise. It’s about demonstrating a holistic understanding of agile principles, strong leadership abilities, problem-solving skills, and a mindset focused on collaboration and continuous improvement.

6 tips to prepare for a Scrum Master interview

Preparing for a Scrum Master interview involves a mix of understanding the principles of agile and Scrum, showcasing your practical experience, and demonstrating your soft skills. Here are some tips to help you prepare effectively:

  1. Highlight Your Experience:
    Reflect on your previous experiences working within an agile environment. Be prepared to discuss specific projects, challenges faced, and how you applied Scrum practices to overcome obstacles and achieve successful outcomes.
  2. Practice Scenario-based Questions:
    Anticipate scenario-based questions related to conflict resolution, handling difficult team dynamics, prioritization, or managing stakeholder expectations within an agile setup. Prepare examples from your experience that demonstrate your problem-solving skills in such situations.
  3. Demonstrate Soft Skills:
    Emphasize your soft skills such as communication, leadership, facilitation, and coaching abilities. Showcase instances where you’ve successfully led teams, resolved conflicts, or facilitated productive meetings to illustrate your interpersonal skills.
  4. Stay Updated on Industry Trends:
    Keep yourself informed about the latest trends, best practices, and emerging tools within the agile and Scrum domain. Show your enthusiasm for continuous learning and improvement by discussing any certifications, workshops, or courses you’ve completed or plan to take.
  5. Research the Company and Team:
    Gain a deep understanding of the company’s culture, values, and the nature of their projects. Tailor your responses to demonstrate how your skills align with their specific needs and goals. Additionally, learn about the team structure and dynamics if possible.
  6. Ask Relevant Questions:
    Prepare thoughtful questions to ask the interviewers. Inquire about the team’s working methodologies, challenges they face, or how they measure success in agile projects. This demonstrates your genuine interest and engagement in the role and the company.


In this article, we’ve tried to cover the most common questions required for a Scrum Master interview — check out Exadel’s list of open positions and try your hand! If you still have questions, contact us.

Resource Section for Scrum Master Interview Preparation:

  1. The 8 Stances of a Scrum Master
  2. Evidence-based Management
  3. Scrum Guide 2020
  4. Facilitation in Agile: What It Is, How It Works, and Why You Need It
  5. Agile estimation techniques