Sat.May 04, 2024 - Fri.May 10, 2024

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Essential skills and traits of chief AI officers


The rapid rise of artificial intelligence — especially generative AI — is prompting many organizations to hire or promote a chief AI officer (CAIO). To date, many of these positions are with technology vendors or at government entities in the wake of recent AI mandates. But the ranks of the CAIO are expected to increase at enterprise organizations as well in the coming years.

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Oracle Plans to Apply Generative AI to Java and SQL

Oracle today revealed it is developing a generative artificial intelligence assistant that leverages multiple large language models to create Java and SQL code, in a way that is tuned to the existing code bases and best practices that an organization employs.


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How to Present to an Audience That Knows More Than You

Harvard Business Review

What happens when you have to give a presentation to an audience that might have some professionals who have more expertise on the topic than you do? While it can be intimidating, it can also be an opportunity to leverage their deep and diverse expertise in service of the group’s learning. And it’s an opportunity to exercise some intellectual humility, which includes having respect for other viewpoints, not being intellectually overconfident, separating your ego from your intellect, and being wi

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Top Sourcing Tools for Recruiters in 2024: Free and Premium Options

Hacker Earth Developers Blog

Imagine a world where you can easily find candidates with the exact skills and experience you need, regardless of their location or online presence. That’s the power of sourcing tools. They transform your recruitment process, allowing you to: Expand your reach: Go beyond traditional job boards and tap into hidden talent pools across various platforms.

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10 Rules for Managing Apache Cassandra

It’s no surprise that Apache Cassandra has emerged as a popular choice for organizations of all sizes seeking a powerful solution to manage their data at a scale—but with great power comes great responsibility. Due to the inherent complexity of distributed databases, this white paper will uncover the 10 rules you’ll want to know when managing Apache Cassandra.

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3 Tips To Help You Defy The Odds As An Entrepreneur 

Crunchbase News

By Lakshmi Shenoy Every day, I’m joined by CEOs and entrepreneurs sharing the ups and downs of business building. The biggest question on all of their minds: What do I need to do for my business not just to survive, but thrive? Many founders need help, as 50% of startups do not reach the five-year milestone. A recent post by Bessemer Venture Partners noted that, while all companies will have an initial spark, not all of them can sustain the flame to build ongoing success.

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My Misconceptions About Earning Career Success And How I Eventually Got it Right

CEO Insider

Very few of us have a straight-line career trajectory. Even the most successful leaders experience setbacks, changes in interests, passions and opportunities, and a continual mix of good fortune and misfortune. All the while learning and evolving. As our careers progress, one dynamic we seem to share is a desire to have known then what […] The post My Misconceptions About Earning Career Success And How I Eventually Got it Right appeared first on CEOWORLD magazine.

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Your 2024 Dell Technologies World Sessions and Breakout Guide

Dell EMC

Your list of top Dell Technologies World sessions for security, data management, data storage, Dell APEX, thin client and more are here.

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Handling Not Allowed Reflection Method in Sitecore


Recently, to meet project requirements, we customized and expanded the functionality of the “General Link” feature by incorporating a new “Telephone Link” feature. Everything was working correctly on our local project instance, but we got the below-listed error when the changes were deployed on the higher environment. Exception: Sitecore.Exceptions.AccessDeniedException Message: Calling Fieldtypes.ExtendedGeneralLink.ExtendedGeneralLinkForm.OnModeChange method through ref

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Visual Studio vs. Visual Studio Code: How to choose


For decades, when I got to work in the morning, I would start Microsoft Visual Studio (or one of its predecessors, such as Visual C++ or Visual InterDev), then brew tea and possibly attend a morning meeting while it went through its laborious startup. I would keep the IDE open all day as I went through develop/test/debug cycles to avoid another startup delay.

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Generative AI Deep Dive: Advancing from Proof of Concept to Production

Speaker: Maher Hanafi, VP of Engineering at Betterworks & Tony Karrer, CTO at Aggregage

Executive leaders and board members are pushing their teams to adopt Generative AI to gain a competitive edge, save money, and otherwise take advantage of the promise of this new era of artificial intelligence. There's no question that it is challenging to figure out where to focus and how to advance when it’s a new field that is evolving everyday. 💡 This new webinar featuring Maher Hanafi, VP of Engineering at Betterworks, will explore a practical framework to transform Generative AI pr

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10 IT skills where expertise pays the most


The list of highest-paying IT skills is always shifting as technology evolves, but some skills have consistently maintained earning power for IT pros over the years. And while several factors impact one’s salary, such as tenure, experience, and location, expert-level competency comes at a higher premium for some skills versus others. Data from the Dice 2024 Tech Salary Report shows that, for certain IT skills, organizations are willing to pay more to hire experts than IT pros with strong compe

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Ten Reasons for Joining Us at Agile2024

Agile Alliance

The Agile2024 conference brings Agile communities together annually to share experiences and make new connections. We've put together a list of some of the many reasons to get together in person again in Dallas this year! The post Ten Reasons for Joining Us at Agile2024 first appeared on Agile Alliance.

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DIY LLM Evaluation, a Case Study of Rhyming in ABBA Schema


DIY LLM Evaluation, a Case Study of Rhyming in ABBA Schema It’s becoming common knowledge: You should not choose your LLMs based on static benchmarks. As Andrej Karpathy, former CTO of OpenAI, once said on Twitter: “I pretty much only trust two LLM evals right now: Chatbot Arena and the r/LocalLlama comments section” Chatbot Arena is a website where you can submit a prompt, see two results, and then choose the best result.

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Prisma Cloud Copilot: Don’t Just Ask, Act

Prisma Clud

Generative AI's acceleration of software delivery is straining current approaches to cloud security, making scaling nearly impossible because, as Gartner points out , organizations don’t have the skilled resources to take it all on. For those counting on AI to drive innovation, this is a problem. How do you keep safe? Here’s where Palo Alto Networks Precision AI TM comes in — a proprietary AI system that helps power Prisma Cloud Copilot.

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Embedding BI: Architectural Considerations and Technical Requirements

While data platforms, artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), and programming platforms have evolved to leverage big data and streaming data, the front-end user experience has not kept up. Holding onto old BI technology while everything else moves forward is holding back organizations. Traditional Business Intelligence (BI) aren’t built for modern data platforms and don’t work on modern architectures.

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Red Hat seeks to shrink IT skills gap with Lightspeed gen AI


For IT leaders experiencing skills gaps in the data center and cloud, Red Hat believes it may have an answer. At Red Hat Summit 2024 in Denver today, the company announced plans to extend its Red Hat Lightspeed generative AI capabilities across all its platforms, including Red Hat OpenShift and Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL). By infusing gen AI functionality across its portfolio, Red Hat aims to reduce the complexity of enterprise IT and help platform engineers and developers be more accurate a

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Finding your community at Agile Alliance

Agile Alliance

Discover the power of community with Agile Alliance, where active engagement fosters professional growth and meaningful collaborations. The post Finding your community at Agile Alliance first appeared on Agile Alliance.

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The Challenge of Leaving a Long-Term Job to Start Something New

Harvard Business Review

Leaving a company that’s been your professional home for years, or decades, is a major shift that can feel both thrilling and perilous. In this article, the authors outline six challenges that often come up when making this transition: 1) Ruminating and second-guessing; 2) Feeling guilty; 3) Being afraid of losing status; 4) Needing to adapt; 5) Managing the perceptions of your new colleagues; and 6) Balancing opposing emotions.

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Beijing Takes Another Jab at the United States’s Cyber Operations

Ooda Loop

Recently, China’s Cybersecurity Industry Alliance (CCIA) published a report in an effort to further expose the suspected hegemonic practices and “bullying” behavior of the United States in cyberspace.

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Get Better Network Graphs & Save Analysts Time

Many organizations today are unlocking the power of their data by using graph databases to feed downstream analytics, enahance visualizations, and more. Yet, when different graph nodes represent the same entity, graphs get messy. Watch this essential video with Senzing CEO Jeff Jonas on how adding entity resolution to a graph database condenses network graphs to improve analytics and save your analysts time.

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CDOs’ biggest problem? Getting colleagues to understand their role


Chief data officers have a lot to think about these days. Chief among them, they must ensure responsible, compliant use of their organizations’ data in the face of increasingly complex regulatory environments across the globe. Now, CDOs find themselves under additional pressure to make sure organizational data is accurate and complete, as companies launch AI projects hungry for clean and easy-to-access data.

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Global VC Funding Isn’t Slowing, But It’s Not Growing Either, April Numbers Show

Crunchbase News

Global venture capital funding reached just over $22 billion in April 2024 — flat month over month and up a few percentage points year over year — Crunchbase data shows. The slowdown in venture funding has continued despite the AI technology wave that has washed over startups in the past few years. Of the $22 billion invested in startups globally last month, around $2.4 billion, or 11%, went to about 1,000 seed-stage companies.

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You’re Back from Your Leadership Development Program. Now What?

Harvard Business Review

Executives who go through leadership development programs often come back with new energy and purpose, ready to transform their teams, themselves, and their organizations. But it can be challenge to gain traction, sustain momentum, and achieve durable post-program results. Success requires determined effort and patience. To better navigate this reentry phase, remember to acknowledge the contributions others made while you were away, anticipate reactions to your new ideas, embrace the opportunity

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The Basics of Infrastructure as Code: A Primer for DevOps

IaC changes the way IT operations and development teams collaborate to create, provision and manage infrastructure and applications. This short introduction explains its benefits.

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10 Rules for Managing Apache Kafka

Without proper guidance, it’s easy to miss out on Kafka’s full capabilities. While not the easiest technology to optimize, Kafka rewards those willing to explore its depths. Under the hood, it is an elegant system for stream processing, event sourcing, and data integration. Download this white paper to learn the 10 critical rules that will help you optimize your Kafka system and unlock its full potential.

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Innovating Services for a Digital, Intelligent Future


Digital transformation remains top of mind worldwide. According to Foundry’s State of the CIO 2024 study, technology leaders will be focused on driving digital innovation, redesigning processes, and modernising infrastructure and apps in the next three years in order to stay ahead. At the same time, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is quickly becoming recognised as a keystone for future growth.

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Breaking Free from Micromanagement Through Effective Communication

Let's Grow Leaders

Episode 256: Do you have a micromanager as a boss—what do you do to combat micromanagement? Tune in to this episode for some go-to phrases you can use to improve the relationship and keep the interactions at work positive. Host, David Dye, gives you a sneak peek at their new book, “ Powerful Phrases for Dealing with Workplace Conflict. ” If your whole team needs a copy, there’s a great deal waiting for you.

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Using Data to Design Your Hybrid Work Policies

Harvard Business Review

We’ve seen how fully remote work can lead to a loss of connection and development opportunities, particularly those that require observational learning, or learning by watching someone else do it. However, people still want to work from home at least some of the time because of the greater work-life balance and personal productivity that they experience.

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Accelerating Real Time Security Outcomes with Precision AI

Palo Alto Networks

New capabilities enable customers to counter AI with AI, secure AI by design and simplify security. AI Is already transforming every enterprise. AI has been driving productivity for over a decade, but over the past 18 months, it has hyper accelerated with broad adoption of generative AI. This has fueled AI adoption across the entire enterprise with employees finding uses for GenAI in every department.

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Streamlining Database Compliance with CI/CD Integration

IT leaders know the importance of compliance at every level, but the database often gets left behind as other environments are automated for robust protection. This whitepaper emphasizes the importance of robust, auditable, and secure database change management practices for safeguarding organizational compliance. Learn how automating database compliance: Mitigates risk Protects against security vulnerabilities Helps avoid regulatory penalties Aligns database workflows with app lifecycle Turns d

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7 IT leadership hacks that deliver results


Fail fast is a frequent maxim in business, but what about reverse engineering that concept? We sought technology leaders who could advise on succeeding fast, along with creating a strong organization, developing team leaders, leveraging the support of peers, and specifically how to streamline day-to-day management of a technology group. Here is the main the question we posed: If you were writing your own book on how to lead, what advice would you impart to other technology executives?

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Why Startups Should Embrace Measuring Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Crunchbase News

By Todd Klein Earlier this year, the Securities and Exchange Commission approved a climate-related disclosure rule for U.S. public companies. The rule, which is currently being challenged in a federal court, marks the first time that American companies would be required to disclose some form of greenhouse gas emissions. It does not, however, require reporting on indirect emissions that occur in the value chain of a reporting company.

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3 Management Myths That Derail Startups

Harvard Business Review

In their work with more than 10,000 startup leaders across 70 countries, the authors identify three common management myths among startup leaders looking to grow their companies: the myth of scaling without hierarchy, the myth of structural harmony, and the myth of sustained heroics. By understanding why entrepreneurs fall for these myths, founders can better calibrate their own maverick impulses and instead rely on rigorous evidence about what actually leads to success.