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Better Together: Why Datavail is Partnering with Continuent for MySQL and MariaDB Database Solutions

Author: Srinivasa Krishna | 5 min read | May 29, 2019

MySQL and its sister solution MariaDB are two of the leading options for relational database management systems. Yet as the business landscape gets ever more intense and fast-paced, many companies using MySQL and MariaDB are struggling to meet the demands of their vendors, partners, and customers.

High availability, worldwide scalability, and lightning-fast queries are just a few desirable properties for MySQL customers. With the volume and velocity of big data increasing every year, however, in-house IT teams may not be able to achieve these ideals on their own.

That’s why for more than a decade, companies like Datavail and Continuent have provided a full suite of MySQL products and services to our clients—and why we’re very pleased to announce today that we’re joining forces to offer a new range of MySQL and MariaDB solutions.

About Continuent

Like Datavail, Continuent has a wealth of experience providing MySQL solutions to leaders in spaces including SaaS, e-commerce, and financial services. Current clients include Fortune 500 corporations such as Adobe and Samsung, as well as technology companies such as Marketo, VMware, and Garmin.

Continuent’s flagship products are Tungsten Clustering and Tungsten Replicator:

  • Tungsten Clustering is a software solution for business-critical MySQL and MariaDB database applications to achieve continuous operations. By spinning up database clusters in the cloud or in private data centers, users can guarantee the availability of their data, even in the event of a system failure.
  • Tungsten Replicator is a software solution for high-performance, real-time database replication to and from MySQL, Oracle, and third-party data warehouse solutions. The software makes it easy to keep MySQL data in sync between a variety of source and target databases.

About the Datavail-Continuent Partnership

Here at Datavail, we’ve helped a number of clients who have problems with high availability in their MySQL database environments, especially when operating at a global scale. Continuent’s Tungsten Clustering solution enables clients to guarantee the availability and reliability of their mission-critical databases, focusing on their core business functions rather than their IT challenges.

That’s why moving forward, Datavail will help implement Continuent for our clients who need assistance with availability for their MySQL databases, as well as providing ongoing database administration support.

“We’re very excited to be working together in the MySQL and MariaDB ecosystem,” says Eero Teerikorpi, founder and CEO at Continuent. “High availability and scaling with automatic resource allocation provide real benefits to database applications of all sizes. Tungsten Clustering with Datavail services will now provide industry-leading solutions for database management, continuity and data recovery.”

Our own Dan Russell, Datavail’s senior vice president of strategic accounts and alliances, is in total agreement: “We feel that our collaboration is going to benefit a lot of customers.”

We’re excited about the potential that our partnership with Continuent can unlock for our MySQL and MariaDB clients. Stay tuned in the coming weeks and months as we reveal more information about what to expect from the Datavail-Continuent partnership.

For more information, read our press release.

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