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The Benefits of Moving On-Premises MongoDB Applications to Amazon EC2

Author: Charleste King | 5 min read | March 31, 2021

Deployment of MongoDB databases and analytic applications happens through public cloud infrastructure, hybrid environments, and DBaaS providers such as MongoDB Atlas. In this article, we’ll discuss the advantages of shifting your on-premises MongoDB applications to the Amazon Web Services (AWS) public cloud solution, Amazon EC2.

Lower Your Total Cost of Ownership

Expenses often drive up the price of an on-premises deployment for your MongoDB applications. From the need for data center hardware to enough personnel to keep everything running, you’re responsible for large upfront payments and all costs associated with this application.

An AWS migration takes away many of those upfront costs, making ownership more manageable for many companies. The expenses you remain responsible for change to monthly and usage-based pricing, and they are easy to predict based on your current and estimated requirements.

Leverage AWS Cybersecurity Resources

How strong are your IT security measures for your MongoDB application? Unexpected downtime, data breaches, and data loss can have a devastating impact on your application. If the application works for internal use, your organization may suffer from productivity loss and other back-office issues. If it’s a client-facing application, your business could lose revenue and customer trust.

AWS cybersecurity resources help you create better security for your application to avoid these negative consequences. The technology used on this platform may be significantly more effective than the solutions you use for your on-premises systems.

Easily Achieve High Availability

Configuring high availability is a simple process on AWS through the use of availability zones and regions. You can distribute your MongoDB replica set members across geographically diverse locations and let the systems undergo automatic failover in the event of a disaster. You won’t be left without your application if a region-wide disruption occurs, which is particularly important for mission-critical solutions.

Reduce Ongoing MongoDB Application Maintenance Requirements

The underlying hardware and software that powers your MongoDB application databases are no longer your responsibility. AWS takes over that part of the process in the cloud. You can focus entirely on optimizing your MongoDB instances rather than maintaining the server hardware or patching the server OS.

By giving your in-house IT department more time, you can empower them to work on more strategic projects and improve their job satisfaction. You also reduce the need to recruit additional database experts for day-to-day tasks.

Maintain More Control in the Cloud Compared to a DBaaS Deployment

MongoDB offers a powerful first-party DBaaS solution called MongoDB Atlas, but the lack of control of many underlying functions may make it ill-suited for your application. Since AWS is self-managed, you can set its maintenance windows to the best times of the day or week and optimize configurations based on your unique needs.

Automate Your MongoDB Disaster Recovery

AWS has several ways for automating your backup and recovery processes to mitigate failures and other problems you may encounter. Reducing unexpected downtime has many benefits for your organization, such as improving productivity and establishing a reputation for a reliable solution.

Gain Flexibility Capacity for Changes in Your Application’s Requirements

AWS delivers flexibility on a level that on-premises data centers can’t match. Migrating to a public cloud provider makes scaling up and down a painless process, even when working with MongoDB applications with major demand fluctuations.

Streamline Remote Access to Your MongoDB Applications

Remote workforces are rapidly becoming the norm in many industries, and to do their jobs, these workers need access to the same resources they use on site. It may be a challenge to support work-at-home employees with an on-premises deployment.

AWS is set up for anytime, anywhere access, so you face fewer barriers to achieving your remote access goal. You avoid trying to retrofit this support into infrastructure that was never intended for this use case.

Are you ready to migrate your on-premises MongoDB application to AWS? Learn more about planning and executing a successful migration in our white paper “Everything You Need to Know to Move Your On-Premises MongoDB Data Center to AWS.”

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