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AWS re:Invent 2022 Executive Summary of Analytics and Data Management Announcements

Author: Tom Hoblitzell | 3 min read | January 5, 2023


AWS had a lot to say about its analytics and data management capabilities this year at re:Invent 2022. From the keynotes to the sessions throughout the week, Amazon Redshift, AWS Glue, Amazon QuickSight, and many other services ended up with significant announcements. We have the highlights from the event in this handy summary.

Amazon Redshift Announcements

AWS Glue Announcements

  • AWS Glue 4.0 launched, which adds more data formats, updated engines, Ray support, and many other features.
  • AWS Glue for Apache Spark has added support for several open-source data lake storage frameworks. These include Linux Foundation Delta Lake, Apache Iceberg, and Apache Hudi.
  • Define, reuse, and share your business-specific Extract, Transform, Load logic with your team through AWS Glue custom visual transforms.
  • AWS Glue Data Quality offers automatic measurement and monitoring of data lake and data pipeline quality, which it uses to provide data quality recommendations. This feature is in preview.

Amazon QuickSight Announcements

Other AWS Data Management and Analytics Announcements

Data management on AWS looks like it will be quite exciting as we enter into 2023. Want to discuss how you can best leverage these new capabilities to get more value from your data? Contact us to connect with our AWS and data management specialists.

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