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The Benefits of Cloud Modernization

Author: Datavail | 4 min read | November 16, 2021


Some organizations assume that all they need to do is lift their on-premises databases and applications and shift them to the cloud to bring them in line with modern requirements.


However, legacy software was never written with cloud capabilities in mind. They may function poorly post-migration or fail to meet performance expectations. Your company ends up paying for cloud resources that cannot get used properly. Before your next cloud migration, consider going through a cloud modernization.

What Is Cloud Modernization?

Cloud modernization involves optimizing your applications and databases for cloud services. This process may require refactoring your software to make it more suitable for the cloud, retiring particularly old applications and making other changes that improve performance.

Cloud Modernization Advantages

Taking on a cloud modernization project does require significant resource investment. The team working on this effort needs extensive experience with cloud optimization and a strong understanding of best practices. All this hard work pays off, with plenty of modernization benefits.

  • Lowered cloud expenses: A mismatch between the cloud service and the migrated application or database can lead to much higher costs than expected. Legacy software can also have a talent availability issue, so trying to fix bugs and perform maintenance can also be costly. A modernized cloud avoids these issues.
  • More reliable systems: Since modernized databases and applications have features that are built to use cloud capabilities, they can take advantage of high availability infrastructure that improves their reliability.
  • Improved performance: A lift and shift cloud migration may show some performance updates, but they pale in comparison to cloud-first or cloud-native software. This change can have a far-reaching impact on your organization, as you end up with modernized systems that can stay competitive in the marketplace.
  • Better scalability: Legacy software was not constructed with cloud-scale in mind, so it could run into many problems post-migration. As your organization grows, you need software that can keep up. Modernized cloud solutions give you the capacity you need without an exponential increase in resources or other signs of poor scaling.
  • Moving to purpose-built databases: Cloud platforms give you a lot of flexibility on choosing different databases for your systems and experimenting with ones that excel in cloud environments. By migrating to databases that best fit your cloud use cases, you can drive even more performance improvements.


Cloud modernization is an ongoing effort, as new technology is introduced, and your organization needs change over time. Download the eBook to learn more about accelerated cloud migration and modernization and how Datavail’s Speed Test can help.

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