News & Announcements

Announcing the 2023 Web Development Survey

News & Announcements

Announcing the 2023 Web Development Survey

We'd like you to participate in the fourth annual Web Development Survey!

Since 2020, we've been helping the web development community learn more about each other and ourselves by getting a sense of the global community of web developers: who we are, what we build, how we build it, and why. We share the results with the whole community every year, and the feedback is consistent: developers appreciate knowing what's going on in our world, and it helps us make better decisions.

This year in addition to our regular questions about frameworks, hosting choices and deployment targets, we'll be asking you to weigh in on hot topics like:

  • How have AI/ML services like ChatGPT impacted your work?

  • Are you using browser-native web components?

  • Is crypto still a thing?

When a community is growing this fast, it's hard to know what's a standard practice and what's a niche interest. And that can present a problem for the people just getting around to joining our community. Popular tools are, in general, easier to use: if more people are using a thing, there will be more documentation, more bug fixes, more Stack Overflow questions answered. Our survey data can help you navigate the bewildering array of choices available to the modern web developer, but it only works if you participate!

We want everyone to participate: whether you're a developer, front-end or back-end or full stack, or a designer, a copywriter, a product marketer or something else; a hobbyist or a professional; whether or not you use Netlify; and no matter where in the world you are.

The survey will be running for 30 days, after which we'll need time to sort through the answers. We'll of course be sharing the results with the community for free online, and at conferences throughout the year.

The survey is open right now. Thanks for taking part!

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