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Why PostgreSQL Gets Even Better in the Cloud

Author: Shailesh Rangani | 8 min read | November 11, 2021


PostgreSQL has a lot going for it already. It enjoys plenty of popularity and combines open-source database technology with enterprise-grade capabilities.

This combination makes it attractive for organizations that want to move away from high licensing costs and more restrictive usage of some commercial databases.

On-premises PostgreSQL deployments may keep your organization from getting the most out of this versatile database, especially if you want to develop modernized applications. By migrating PostgreSQL to the cloud, you gain many major benefits.

The Benefits of Cloud PostgreSQL Databases

While migrating your PostgreSQL databases to the cloud does require significant effort, it pays off in the available benefits.

Harnessing a Performance and Reliability Boost

Moving to a distributed infrastructure and one that has the latest in hardware and software can rapidly improve performance and reliability. Unless you have a particularly robust IT budget at your organization, or you are in the technology industry, you probably don’t have the latest hardware, software, and networking capabilities at hand.

Reliability also gets a massive boost, since you can leverage the global networks offered by cloud platforms. Not only do you eliminate single points of failure, but you can also put your databases close to your end-users for the faster response.

Increasing Database Flexibility

If you need to scale your PostgreSQL databases vertically and horizontally on-premises, you often have to go through a lengthy and costly process. When you’re in the cloud, you can change your capacity on demand or inbuilt cloud automation. Whether you need to add more compute power, create test environments, or add new databases, the process usually only takes a few clicks.

Lowering Administrative Burden on DBAs

Your DBAs have fewer administrative tasks to worry about with PostgreSQL in the cloud. The exact amount of database management that’s automated depends on the type of cloud service you choose, but you can expect your DBAs to have more time for strategic tasks.

Expanding Your Potential Capacity

On-premises PostgreSQL capacity is limited by your data center space, and you also need to have the right resources available to support them. In the cloud, you can easily power your large-scale, complex infrastructure at an enterprise-grade workload scale.

Accessing More Advanced Security

This cloud benefit is another one that applies to organizations outside of large, highly funded ones or those heavily involved in the tech industry. New cyberattack methods are developed on an ongoing basis, but on-premises PostgreSQL databases may have limited protection due to dated security measures. The major cloud platforms have their entire business model revolve around secure and reliable access to their services, so they have massive IT security investments and the staff to support it.

Learn more about PostgreSQL in the cloud and the value of using Amazon Aurora to power your databases in our white paper.

Choosing a Public Cloud Platform and Service for PostgreSQL

Once you decide to undertake a PostgreSQL cloud migration, you need to figure out the right cloud platform and services to support your databases. Ask yourself these critical questions to narrow down the possibilities and find the solution that makes the most sense for your organization.

  • Do you want managed or unmanaged databases? Managed deployments are generally more expensive, but your organization would not be responsible for managing the underlying infrastructure, software, and other components. Managed database services work well for organizations with limited technical resources. Unmanaged database services give you greater control over your database environment and are more cost-efficient.
  • Do you already have public cloud investments? Do you prefer a single cloud infrastructure, or would multi-cloud be an option? Single cloud infrastructure reduces the complexity, and you may use services that complement each other. Multi-cloud is an increasingly popular option among organizations, allowing you to pick and choose the best services for your PostgreSQL database, no matter who offers it.
  • Do you have highly specialized use cases for your PostgreSQL database? You may need to look for services that have the right feature mix for these edge cases.
  • Do you want a PostgreSQL-specific service or a general cloud database service? Both options have their benefits, but choosing a cloud service that’s specifically designed for PostgreSQL delivers an optimized experience that can help you maximize your investment.

No matter which cloud service you choose, you’ll be able to get many of the benefits that cloud PostgreSQL deployments have to offer.

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