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5 Tips for Using Dynamics 365 CRM

Author: Cate Parry | 5 min read | March 14, 2019

The Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM software is a powerful tool. Businesses of all sizes and in all industries are finding that using the software lets them open up new opportunities to establish and maintain strong customer relationships. Not only that, but they are increasing sales based on an in-depth understanding of their customers and their customers’ needs. These tips will help to ensure that you’re getting the most from your Dynamics 365 CRM software.

1. Workflows

If you’re not using workflows, make a commitment to start taking advantage of this powerful tool. The Dynamics 365 CRM lets you create workflows without knowing how to code. The user interface makes it easy to adapt the system to fit your unique needs.

A workflow automates repetitive administrative tasks and streamlines business processes. And, because they are pre-defined, workflows can reduce errors. These are just a couple examples of how workflows can help:

  • Manage Records. You can create a workflow to create a customer account, for example. You can also automate updating records. Let’s say you created a record for a new prospect. When the prospect buys from you, a workflow would automatically update that record to the customer category.
  • Initiate Activities. For example, you can automate the routing of document for approval. Based on the type of approvals needed, the system would automatically set up a routing path. Notices could be sent to people in the approval chain, notifying them that an approval is waiting to keep the process moving.

2. On-Demand Workflows

Many workflows launch based on triggers that you can define. That’s an important part of streamlining business processes. But, you can also create on-demand workflows that you can trigger whenever you want. This feature extends the function and flexibility of workflows.

3. Business Rules for Forms

System administrators should have the ability to set Business Rules. It’s easy to do because there’s no need for coding. That gives the ability to customize to the users of the CRM, rather than leaving it for IT. Administrators can use a drag and drop interface to set rules for things such as:

  • Hide and Show Fields. Assume that an administrator is creating a form that could apply to either commercial or residential products. The administrator can avoid creating two forms, or creating a form with fields that are useless to half of the users. When the user selects either commercial or residential, the form will automatically only show the applicable fields.
  • Validate Data & Show Error Messages. One thing that plagues businesses everywhere is human error. Using a business rule to prevent errors is easy. If a user enters a five-digit telephone number, the system can automatically display an error message and ask the user to try again. The same thing can work if a user enters an invalid product code, for example.

4. Personal Views

Don’t forget the personalization features Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM offers. Standard views are incorporated into the software. But, creating your own Personal View is one of the most powerful features of the software. It will help you focus on those things that are most important for you personally.

5. Duplicate Detection Rules

Duplicated information creates extra work for system administrators and users. Learning how to catch the duplicates effectively will save time and frustration for everyone. For example, if the “exclude inactive matching records” option is turned off, you’ll have every merged set of records showing up as duplicates.

Where to Go from Here?

If you’re already using MS Dynamics 365 CRM, we hope these tips will help you make the most of it. If you’re exploring what Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM can do for you, download our whitepaper, Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM Drives Future Customer Success. Organizations are flocking to MS Dynamics 365 CRM, and the white paper will help you decide if your organization should do the same thing.

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