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Get Reports On-Demand with Data Consolidation

Author: Dilip Kumar | | February 18, 2020

Data-driven decision making is a necessity for sustainable long-term growth, but data silos get in the way of having all of your company’s insights available. For one global sports entertainment organization with more than 50 venues worldwide, data consolidation implemented by Datavail made it possible to run reports on-demand, without lengthy delays.

Issues with Data Silos in Multi-location Organizations

It’s difficult to get a full picture of a global sports entertainment organization’s performance when critical data is spread throughout multiple locations. Each venue may use different infrastructure, with differing versions of MySQL creating an environment where data is inaccessible to other parts of the company. Work may be repeated, and organization-wide patterns go unnoticed. Older versions of the data may lead to errors in reports and other critical areas.

Without being able to get this information, understanding spending, cash flow, growth, and other areas is limited to a smaller data set. The delays in creating reports based on multi-location information lead to missed opportunities and a lack of optimization. This client came to Datavail to get assistance in finding a better way to leverage their data.

How Datavail’s MySQL Team Consolidated the Organization’s Data

Our experienced MySQL team developed a strategy for consolidating these data sources. Our technical team used the multi-source replication features in MySQL 5.7.x/8.0.x to bring in the data feeds from each location into a centralized, cloud-based instance. The replication channels and filters maintain data quality in this solution.

We chose an AWS EC2 instance as the best cloud provider choice for this scenario, as RDS/Aurora on AWS has limitations that would make it more difficult to develop a workable solution. The client also preferred to use the AWS cloud. Security is maintained throughout the system with the use of SSL-based MySQL replication.

Getting Reports When They’re Needed the Most

Following the implementation of this data consolidation solution, the global sports entertainment organization was able to run reports on a single server, with a single query. As a result, they are able to get on-demand access to the reports and no longer need to manually consolidate multiple reports.

The company has greater business agility and can recognize opportunities that would have been lost in the siloed data previously. The cloud-based solution also accommodates their future growth through seamless scaling.

Consolidating Data in Your Organization

You won’t realize the full value of your data when it’s locked away at other locations or in older databases. Data-driven decision making is essential for standing out in crowded markets and improving growth throughout the entire company. Sourcing MySQL and AWS experts can be challenging in today’s competitive job market. The demand far exceeds the supply, resulting in lengthy hiring cycles and expensive recruitment costs.

Thankfully, there’s another approach to getting the resources you need to implement a data consolidation strategy. Datavail has 1,000+ database experts that empower your organization with the technical assistance required for this project. Datavail is one of AWS’ leading Advanced Consulting Partners, with a specialty for taking database workloads into the cloud-based environment.

Get in touch to tell us about your multi-location data consolidation challenges so we can work together to find the ideal solution for your organization.

Further Reading

Global Sports Entertainment Organization

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