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Caching in Spring with EhCache Annotations

EhCache is a widely used, pure Java cache that can be easily integrated with most popular Java frameworks, such as Spring and Hibernate. It is often considered to be the most convenient choice for Java applications since it can be integrated into projects easily. EhCache Spring Annotations allows seamless integration into any Spring application by simply adding annotations to cacheable methods without modifying the method implementations. This article focuses on boosting your Spring applications with EhCache Spring Annotations.

Toptalauthors are vetted experts in their fields and write on topics in which they have demonstrated experience. All of our content is peer reviewed and validated by Toptal experts in the same field.

EhCache is a widely used, pure Java cache that can be easily integrated with most popular Java frameworks, such as Spring and Hibernate. It is often considered to be the most convenient choice for Java applications since it can be integrated into projects easily. EhCache Spring Annotations allows seamless integration into any Spring application by simply adding annotations to cacheable methods without modifying the method implementations. This article focuses on boosting your Spring applications with EhCache Spring Annotations.

Toptalauthors are vetted experts in their fields and write on topics in which they have demonstrated experience. All of our content is peer reviewed and validated by Toptal experts in the same field.
Cong Liu
Verified Expert in Engineering

Cong (MScEng) is a fast learner with a passion for performant code. He’s an expert in Android and web service development and loves AR.




EhCache is a widely used, pure Java cache that can be easily integrated with most popular Java frameworks, such as Spring and Hibernate. It is often considered to be the most convenient choice for Java applications since it can be integrated into projects easily. In particular:

  • It can be set up by simply including the JAR in your project. No additional installation steps are required.
  • It runs in the same process with the application, so it’s fast. No additional service is required to run.

In short, EhCache is a great choice for any pure-Java application.

Additionally, EhCache Spring Annotations allows seamless integration into any Spring application by simply adding annotations to cacheable methods, without modifying the method implementations.

EhCache is a great caching solution for Spring projects.

While EhCache provides straight-forward, rich APIs to manipulate the cache programmatically, this article mainly focuses on boosting your Spring applications in a less intrusive way with EhCache Spring Annotations. We’ll set up a Spring MVC project and deploy a RESTful web service in Tomcat. Then, EhCache will be integrated to the web service.

Project Overview

We’ll demonstrate EhCache Annotations in the context of an example project. We’ll set up a Spring MVC-based web service hosted on a Tomcat 8 server.

I developed the project in Eclipse, which can be installed following the instructions here.

The latest stable version of Tomcat, Tomcat 8, can be downloaded here.

Of course, these specific platforms are not a requirement for EhCache; you can always choose your favorite IDE and server.

The EhCache Spring Annotations JAR is available here. As we can see, there are two JARs for each version: one with dependencies and one without. The one with dependencies also includes EhCache 2 and Spring 3, which are required for EhCache annotations to work. It’s easier to set up if we download the one with dependencies and add it to our build path.

EhCache Spring Annotations is also compatible with Spring 4, although it must be configured separately. It’s not clear if the project will support EhCache 3 in the near future. For those who are using, or intend to use, EhCache 3, the annotation approach discussed in this article is not advised.

Finally, we will be using Maven to manage everything. Maven comes prepackaged with most Eclipse installations, but it can also be obtained here. Spring MVC and EhCache Spring Annotations dependencies can be added fairly easily, as shown later in this article.

Project Setup

If you have never set up a Spring project before, you may also find Stefan Varga’s post on the subject informative.

For this demonstration, we will set up a basic project using the Maven archetype maven-archetype-webapp. The overall file structure will look like this:

Initial Spring project structure.

Create a directory, src/main/java, with three packages:,, and Our application source will go in the these packages, as described further down.

Let’s define a Tomcat servlet called “springrest” in web.xml:


Unless explicitly specified otherwise, a Spring MVC DispatcherServlet will look for an XML configuration file named {servlet-name}-servlet.xml in the directory WEB-INF. Let’s create a configuration file called springrest-servlet.xml. To enable Spring process controller methods annotated with @RequestMapping, let’s simply add <mvc:annotation-driven /> to this file. Also, let’s define the base package for Spring to automatically scan and register beans by adding <context:component-scan base-package="" />. The springrest-servlet.xml configuration becomes:

<beans ... >
   <mvc:annotation-driven />
   <context:component-scan base-package="" />

A Simple RESTful Web Service

Now that our project is properly configured, let’s implement a simple “message service” API. In our base package,, we’ll add, with one GET method to get a message by ID, and one POST method to set a message by ID:

@RequestMapping( "/" )
public class SpringRestControllerWithEhCache {
   MessageService messageService;
   @RequestMapping( value = "/message/{id}", method = RequestMethod.GET )
   public String getMessage( @PathVariable Integer id ) {
      String message = messageService.getMessage( id );
      System.out.println( "get message ["+message+"] at "+new Date() );
      return message;
   @RequestMapping( value = "/message/set/{id}/{message}", method = RequestMethod.POST )
   public String setMessage( @PathVariable Integer id, @PathVariable String message ) { 
      System.out.println( "set message ["+message+"] at "+new Date() );
      messageService.setMessage( id, message );
      return message;  

We’ll define the MessageService class in It will access messages stored in our System of Records (SOR). In a production app, the SOR would be something like a relational database. For simplicity, we will use a HashMap:

public class MessageService {
   private ConcurrentHashMap<Integer, String> messages
   = new ConcurrentHashMap<Integer, String>();
   public String getMessage( Integer id ) {
      System.out.println( "Getting data from SOR......" );
      return messages.get( id );

   public void setMessage( Integer id, String message ){
      messages.put( id, message );

Now, if we export the project as a WAR and deploy it in Tomcat, we should be able to set a message, for example “test_message”, for ID=1, by creating an HTTP POST request at http://localhost:8080/EhCacheExample/message/set/1/test_message. We should then be able to get “test_message” back with an HTTP GET request at http://localhost:8080/EhCacheExample/message/1. I used Insomnia as a convenient REST Client to do my test.

Plug In EhCache Spring Annotations

Now let’s get EhCache working for us. It takes only a few quick steps to configure our project to run EhCache properly.

EhCache Spring Annotations makes EhCache easy and seamless to deploy in your app.

Step 1: Update Dependencies to use EhCache Spring Annotations

Add the EhCache Spring Annotations dependency in Maven’s pom.xml:

<!-- ehcache -->

Step 2: Set Up a Custom Cache Manager

Spring has a built-in EhCache cache manager, org.springframework.cache.ehcache.EhCacheManagerFactoryBean. This is suitable for most caching situations, but I have found defining a custom cache manager to be useful because it allows me to control the cache either programmatically, or with annotations, using the same cache manager. This article focuses on annotations, but let’s go ahead and define a custom cache manager so we will be ready in case we need it. If you prefer to stick with the default cache manager , you can skip this step.

We’ll define the new class in

public class CustomCacheManager extends net.sf.ehcache.CacheManager{

   public CustomCacheManager(){

   /* Add your own cache methods here.
    * public void myCustomCacheMethod(){
    *    // your code here
    * }
    * */

Enable it by updating springrest-servlet.xml as follows:

   <ehcache:annotation-driven cache-manager="customCacheManager" />
   <bean id="customCacheManager"

Step 3: Configure EhCache

Finally, create the EhCache configuration file ehcache.xml in the classpath. By default, Eclipse will include src/main/resources in the classpath, and we’ll place the file here. This file is required for EhCache to function properly. It defines the cache names and some properties of each cache, such as the timeToLiveSeconds:

<ehcache xmlms:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="ehcache.xsd">
   <diskStore path="cache" />
      memoryStoreEvictionPolicy="LFU" />      

Step 4: Test the Cache

Now, with everything set up and ready to go, using EhCache should be easy and happy work. We can simply add @Cacheable to the method or class we want to cache. For example, I added @Cacheable to the getMessage method in MessageService. It’s that easy!

@Cacheable( cacheName = "messageCache" )
public String getMessage( Integer id ) {
   System.out.println( "Getting data from SOR......" );
   return messages.get( id );

To test that our cache is working, we can create a message for ID=1 by issuing an HTTP POST request at http://localhost:8080/EhCacheExample/message/set/1/newMessage, and then get the message for ID=1 multiple times, with GET requests to http://localhost:8080/EhCacheExample/message/1. As you can see in the console output below, the web service asks the SOR to get the message the first time we request the message, but not for the next two requests, returning the cached message instead. Because we defined the timeToLiveSeconds to be 10, the web service calls the SOR to get the message again after 10 seconds:

set message [newMessage] at Sun Dec 06 23:55:39 MST 2015
get message [newMessage] at Sun Dec 06 23:55:42 MST 2015
Getting data from SOR......
get message [newMessage] at Sun Dec 06 23:55:47 MST 2015
get message [newMessage] at Sun Dec 06 23:55:49 MST 2015
get message [newMessage] at Sun Dec 06 23:55:54 MST 2015
Getting data from SOR......

Refreshing the Cache

Now, we are enjoying the speed and convenience a cache gives us, and EhCache is nice enough to refresh by itself every 10 seconds. But what if we would like to have it refreshed immediately after our SOR is updated? EhCache Spring Annotation offers @TriggersRemove to remove specified keys from the cache when the annotated method is called. In our message service API, the cached message should be removed from the cache when setMessage is called. Thus, the next time a getMessage request comes in, the cache will fetch a fresh record from the SOR:

   cacheName = "messageCache",
   keyGenerator = @KeyGenerator (                             // method name is not included in cache key to work with @TriggersRemove
                     name = "HashCodeCacheKeyGenerator",
                     properties = @Property( name="includeMethod", value="false" )))  
public String getMessage( Integer id ) {
   System.out.println( "Getting data from SOR......" );
   return messages.get( id );

   cacheName = "messageCache",
   keyGenerator = @KeyGenerator (
                     name = "HashCodeCacheKeyGenerator",
                     properties = @Property( name="includeMethod", value="false" )))
public void setMessage( @PartialCacheKey Integer id, String message ) {
   messages.put( id, message );

A key generator is used by the cache manager to generate the cache key. A list of pre-defined cache key generators can be found here. By default, @KeyGenerator consumes both the method name and the passed in parameters to generate the cache key. But since we want the setMessage method to generate the same key as getMessage and delete the cached value associated with that key, we must use only the message ID as the key and eliminate the method name for key generation. We therefore set the key generator’s includeMethod property to be false for both methods. Also, since setMessage has two arguments, we use EhCache’s @PartialCacheKey annotation on the id parameter to specify that it is the only one that should be used by the key generator. Finally, recall that we configured a dedicated cache, messageCache, for this resource type, so using only the ID for the key presents no danger of conflicts with other resources types.

Now, if we do several HTTP requests for the message with ID=1, as follows:

HTTP POST:  http://localhost:8080/EhCacheExample/message/set/1/newMessage1
HTTP GET:http://localhost:8080/EhCacheExample/message/1
HTTP POST: http://localhost:8080/EhCacheExample/message/set/1/newMessage2
HTTP GET:http://localhost:8080/EhCacheExample/message/1

The console will show:

set message [newMessage1] at Tue Dec 08 17:53:44 MST 2015
get message [newMessage1] at Tue Dec 08 17:53:47 MST 2015
Getting data from SOR......
set message [newMessage2] at Tue Dec 08 17:53:50 MST 2015
get message [newMessage2] at Tue Dec 08 17:53:53 MST 2015
Getting data from SOR......


The final project structure looks like this:

Final project structure.

In this example, we first created a simple Spring MVC RESTful web application. Without modifying even one line of the existing application code, we then seamlessly integrated EhCache into the application using EhCache Spring Annotations. We have demonstrated that EhCache Spring Annotations is both easy to install (by adding its Maven dependency) and elegant to use (by adding annotations to methods).

Further Reading

The EhCache documention can be found here and the EhCache Spring Annotations documentation is here.

Also, check out the sample project described in this article on GitHub.

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Cong Liu

Cong Liu

Verified Expert in Engineering

Toronto, ON, Canada

Member since November 10, 2014

About the author

Cong (MScEng) is a fast learner with a passion for performant code. He’s an expert in Android and web service development and loves AR.

authors are vetted experts in their fields and write on topics in which they have demonstrated experience. All of our content is peer reviewed and validated by Toptal experts in the same field.




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