Before agile approaches took the world by storm, we used Gantt charts and defects to measure project and program progress. We had trouble measuring product progress until just before release—often too late to change anything.
Agile approaches provide us other options now. We can measure the project’s and program’s progress with a variety of product burnup charts. We can measure the product’s progress by creating scenarios and measuring real product results. No longer do product managers have to wait for project teams to finish their “Send Product Manager data for the spec sheet.”
Join Johanna as she discusses:
- How agile approaches change what we measure
- Possible measures you might use in projects and programs
- How to assess the product as the team(s) build it
- And much more!
April 26, 2018 12:30 PM PST, 3:30 PM EST, 8:30 PM GMT
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