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Embedding BI: Architectural Considerations and Technical Requirements

While data platforms, artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), and programming platforms have evolved to leverage big data and streaming data, the front-end user experience has not kept up. Holding onto old BI technology while everything else moves forward is holding back organizations. Traditional Business Intelligence (BI) aren’t built for modern data platforms and don’t work on modern architectures.

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Get Better Network Graphs & Save Analysts Time

Many organizations today are unlocking the power of their data by using graph databases to feed downstream analytics, enahance visualizations, and more. Yet, when different graph nodes represent the same entity, graphs get messy. Watch this essential video with Senzing CEO Jeff Jonas on how adding entity resolution to a graph database condenses network graphs to improve analytics and save your analysts time.

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Top 5 Challenges in Designing a Data Warehouse for Multi-Tenant Analytics

Multi-tenant architecture allows software vendors to realize tremendous efficiencies by maintaining a single application stack instead of separate database instances while meeting data privacy needs. When you use a data warehouse to power your multi-tenant analytics, the proper approach is vital. Multi-tenant analytics is NOT the primary use case with traditional data warehouses, causing data security challenges.

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7 Pitfalls for Apache Cassandra in Production

Apache Cassandra is an open-source distributed database that boasts an architecture that delivers high scalability, near 100% availability, and powerful read-and-write performance required for many data-heavy use cases. However, many developers and administrators who are new to this NoSQL database often encounter several challenges that can impact its performance.

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How to Leverage AI for Actionable Insights in BI, Data, and Analytics

In the rapidly-evolving world of embedded analytics and business intelligence, one important question has emerged at the forefront: How can you leverage artificial intelligence (AI) to enhance your application’s analytics capabilities? Imagine having an AI tool that answers your user’s questions with a deep understanding of the context in their business and applications, nuances of their industry, and unique challenges they face.

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Entity Resolution Checklist: What to Consider When Evaluating Options

Are you trying to decide which entity resolution capabilities you need? It can be confusing to determine which features are most important for your project. And sometimes key features are overlooked. Get the Entity Resolution Evaluation Checklist to make sure you’ve thought of everything to make your project a success! The list was created by Senzing’s team of leading entity resolution experts, based on their real-world experience.

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Use Cases for Apache Cassandra®

There’s a good reason why Apache Cassandra® is quickly becoming the NoSQL database of choice for organizations of all stripes. In this white paper, discover the key use cases that make Cassandra® such a compelling open source software – and learn the important pitfalls to avoid. From understanding its distributed architecture to unlocking its incredible power for industries like healthcare, finance, retail and more, experience how Cassandra® can transform your entire data operations.

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How to Deliver a Modern Data Experience Your Customers Will Love

In embedded analytics, keeping up with the pace of innovation is challenging. Download Qrvey's guide to ensure your analytics keep pace so you can solve your user's biggest challenges, delight them, and set your product apart from the competition. The guide outlines how to use embedded analytics to: Increase user satisfaction Go to market faster Create additional opportunities to monetize your product It also shares what to look for to ensure your embedded analytics are keeping up with the lates

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Embedded Analytics Insights for 2024

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Lessons Learned in PostgreSQL®

In today's digital landscape, the threat of ransomware demands proactive defense. This paper, inspired by a real PostgreSQL® database incident, offers vital strategies for effective mitigation. Instaclustr expert Perry Clark outlines immediate actions to minimize risks, ensuring a swift response to ransomware threats and protecting critical data assets.

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The Definitive Entity Resolution Buyer’s Guide

Are you thinking of adding enhanced data matching and relationship detection to your product or service? Do you need to know more about what to look for when assessing your options? The Senzing Entity Resolution Buyer’s Guide gives you step-by-step details about everything you should consider when evaluating entity resolution technologies. You’ll learn about use cases, technology and deployment options, top ten evaluation criteria and more.

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The Big Payoff of Application Analytics

Outdated or absent analytics won’t cut it in today’s data-driven applications – not for your end users, your development team, or your business. That’s what drove the five companies in this e-book to change their approach to analytics. Download this e-book to learn about the unique problems each company faced and how they achieved huge returns beyond expectation by embedding analytics into applications.