Sat.Jan 20, 2024 - Fri.Jan 26, 2024

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3 technologies coming to generative AI’s aid in 2024


As the momentous first year of ChatGPT comes to a close, it’s clear that generative AI (genAI) and large language models (LLMs) are exciting technologies. But are they ready for prime-time enterprise use? There are well-understood challenges with ChatGPT , where its responses have poor accuracy. Despite being based on sophisticated computer models of human knowledge like GPT-4 , ChatGPT rarely wants to admit ignorance, a phenomenon referred to as AI hallucinations , and it often struggles with l

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How to minimize remote access cyber security threats in 2024


Remote work began as a temporary measure during the pandemic but has long been a permanent fixture in our new way of working. Organizations have shifted to remote desktop work environments at an increasing speed since then – simultaneously expanding their attack surface and exposing themselves to greater cybersecurity threats. The remote work revolution has pushed companies to rethink their security and data protection practices amidst hybrid work and cloud environments.


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Bottlenecks of Scaleups #06: Onboarding

Martin Fowler

The last year has been a hard one for the technology industry, which faced its greatest waves of cutbacks and layoffs since the dotcom crash at the beginning of the century. As 2024 begins, we're seeing the early signs of a turn-around, which hopefully means technology organizations will soon be thinking of hiring again. Should such happy days return, firms will again run into the common problem of taking too long for new hires to become effective.

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Oracle has a better generative AI strategy, analysts say


Oracle’s recent updates to its OCI Generative AI Service , which competes with similar services from rivals AWS , Microsoft , and Google , makes it more attuned towards the future need of enterprises, analysts say. But Oracle may be far behind rivals in terms of overall generative AI model and service offerings.

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10 Rules for Managing Apache Cassandra

It’s no surprise that Apache Cassandra has emerged as a popular choice for organizations of all sizes seeking a powerful solution to manage their data at a scale—but with great power comes great responsibility. Due to the inherent complexity of distributed databases, this white paper will uncover the 10 rules you’ll want to know when managing Apache Cassandra.

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4 Keys to Generative AI Success in 2024


Let’s face it — Generative AI will continue to be the star of the show in 2024. Our commissioned study with Forrester surveyed 220 AI decision makers at large companies in North America in November 2023, and a whopping 83% of them are already exploring or experimenting with the technology.

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How to kick-start your generative AI strategy


How do you lose the AI race? By not entering. So says Andrew McAfee, principal research scientist at the MIT Sloan School of Management. “When a technology this powerful comes along where you have to learn by doing, finding reasons not to do it is a pretty big error,” he says. Despite the mass embrace of generative AI in its first year of release, most organizations remain cautious about mass adoption.

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Level up your leadership skills in 2024 with Agile Alliance!

Agile Alliance

Join Agile Alliance to elevate your career. Access monthly events, global conference opportunities, networking, and practical experiences for professional growth. The post Level up your leadership skills in 2024 with Agile Alliance! first appeared on Agile Alliance.

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Onboarding bottleneck: creating a path to effectiveness

Martin Fowler

Tim and Premand begin their discussion of how to get out of the difficulties of onboarding by explaining how to create a path to effectiveness for new hires. Such a path outlines the needs of employee and how the onboarding process should fulfill them.

How To 195
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Help Your Team Do More: Stop (over)Talking and Start Doing

Let's Grow Leaders

To do more, clarify who owns the decision and know when it’s time to move Is your team full of good intentions and meaningful conversations that don’t translate into action and results? Do discussions regularly bog down in analysis paralysis? Or do you have choke points of one overwhelmed expert or manager that keeps everyone else waiting around? If any of these are true of your team, here are seven ways to help your team do more, improve morale, collaborate, and grow together. 7 Ways to Help Yo

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Generative AI Deep Dive: Advancing from Proof of Concept to Production

Speaker: Maher Hanafi, VP of Engineering at Betterworks & Tony Karrer, CTO at Aggregage

Executive leaders and board members are pushing their teams to adopt Generative AI to gain a competitive edge, save money, and otherwise take advantage of the promise of this new era of artificial intelligence. There's no question that it is challenging to figure out where to focus and how to advance when it’s a new field that is evolving everyday. 💡 This new webinar featuring Maher Hanafi, VP of Engineering at Betterworks, will explore a practical framework to transform Generative AI pr

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8 data strategy mistakes to avoid


Organizations can’t afford to mess up their data strategies, because too much is at stake in the digital economy. How enterprises gather, store, cleanse, access, and secure their data can be a major factor in their ability to meet corporate goals. Unfortunately, the road to data strategy success is fraught with challenges, so CIOs and other technology leaders need to plan and execute carefully.

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9 Trends That Will Shape Work in 2024 and Beyond

Harvard Business Review

In 2023, organizations continued to face significant challenges, from inflation to geopolitical turmoil to controversy over DEI and return-to-work policies — and 2024 promises more disruption. Gartner researchers have identified nine key trends, from new and creative employee benefits to the collapse of traditional career paths, that will impact work this year.

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Evolving AI Threats: What You Need to Know

Ooda Loop

“When you invent the ship, you also invent the shipwreck; when you invent the plane, you also invent the plane crash” is a seering insight attributed to cultural theorist Paul Virilio - and is oft quoted here at OODA Loop. We review here some of the new "inventions" that are part and parcel of the emergence of AI as a general application technology across any and all global industry sectors and societal systems.

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How To Find a Great Company Culture in Your Job Search

Let's Grow Leaders

Take initiative to find a great company culture that’s the right fit for you. You’re looking for a job, perhaps even your first “real” job out of school. Awesome. Let’s talk about how to find a great company culture that’s the right fit for you. Here’s the lowdown on finding a great company culture, straight from Carnegie Mellon University. 5 Steps to Finding a Great Company Culture in Your Job Search Hi Karin, I’m about to graduate from college a

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Embedding BI: Architectural Considerations and Technical Requirements

While data platforms, artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), and programming platforms have evolved to leverage big data and streaming data, the front-end user experience has not kept up. Holding onto old BI technology while everything else moves forward is holding back organizations. Traditional Business Intelligence (BI) aren’t built for modern data platforms and don’t work on modern architectures.

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SAP announces $2.2B restructuring program that’ll impact 8,000 jobs


German tech major SAP has announced a 2 billion euro ($2.17 billion) restructuring program for 2024, impacting 8,000 employees as it focuses on AI. “In 2024, SAP will further increase its focus on key strategic growth areas, in particular Business AI. It also intends to transform its operational setup to capture organizational synergies, AI-driven efficiencies and to prepare the company for highly scalable future revenue growth,” SAP said in a press statement.

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Using Prompt Engineering to Better Communicate with People

Harvard Business Review

We should choose our words as wisely with people as we do with generative AI. In this article, the author offers six guidelines to consider when initiating discussions with stakeholders, whether they’re customers, partners, or employees: 1) Structure your prompts the right way. 2) Utilize reflective and thoughtful probing. 3) Convey empathetic language and humility. 4) Harness humor, playfulness, and emotions. 5) Acknowledge key challenges. 6) Be a good (and patient) listener.

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Executive Storytelling: Why Every Organization Needs a Great Story

N2Growth Blog

The Essence of Narrative in Business In the realm of business, storytelling transcends mere entertainment. Ernst Gleijm , a seasoned expert from N2Growth, emphasizes its dual role: internally galvanizing and externally captivating. Amidst the ubiquity of Excel and PowerPoint, the art of crafting compelling narratives stands unparalleled. Storytelling doesn’t just convey a direction; it breathes life into the organizational journey, clarifying both the destination and the purpose. “St

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Apple’s new extortion regime to keep big app makers

David Heinemeier Hansson

Apple’s recent threat of financial audits for developers who dare link to their own website was a big, revealing moment to a lot of people. Folks who perhaps didn’t think Apple would be “that kind of company”. That they wouldn't so blatantly threaten developers into compliance with such overtly onerous and punitive terms. But they did. And now they’re doubling down.

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Get Better Network Graphs & Save Analysts Time

Many organizations today are unlocking the power of their data by using graph databases to feed downstream analytics, enahance visualizations, and more. Yet, when different graph nodes represent the same entity, graphs get messy. Watch this essential video with Senzing CEO Jeff Jonas on how adding entity resolution to a graph database condenses network graphs to improve analytics and save your analysts time.

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What is your data strategy for an AI future?


As enterprises become more data-driven, the old computing adage garbage in, garbage out (GIGO) has never been truer. The application of AI to many business processes will only accelerate the need to ensure the veracity and timeliness of the data used, whether generated internally or sourced externally. The costs of bad data Gartner has estimated that organizations lose an average of $12.9m a year from using poor quality data.

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How Data Collaboration Platforms Can Help Companies Build Better AI

Harvard Business Review

There are three immediate challenges for companies that want to train fine-tuned AI models: 1) they require extensive, high-quality data — a scarce resource for many enterprises, 2) third-party AI models can include problematic biases, and 3) training fine-tuned models with users’ personal data may result in privacy violations. However, data collaboration platforms can help address these challenges.

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Addressing Addiction Treatment in the Workplace

CEO Insider

Human resource departments are bedeviled by the scourge of addiction. It is estimated that 10% of Americans are suffering from some form of a debilitating addictive disorder. Many millions of dollars have been spent attempting to treat valuable employees struggling with addiction, only to result in frequent and heart-breaking failures. Doctors now view addiction as […] The post Addressing Addiction Treatment in the Workplace appeared first on CEOWORLD magazine.

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Architect defense-in-depth security for generative AI applications using the OWASP Top 10 for LLMs

AWS Machine Learning - AI

Generative artificial intelligence (AI) applications built around large language models (LLMs) have demonstrated the potential to create and accelerate economic value for businesses. Examples of applications include conversational search, customer support agent assistance , customer support analytics , self-service virtual assistants, chatbots , rich media generation , content moderation , coding companions to accelerate secure, high-performance software development , deeper insights from multim

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10 Rules for Managing Apache Kafka

Without proper guidance, it’s easy to miss out on Kafka’s full capabilities. While not the easiest technology to optimize, Kafka rewards those willing to explore its depths. Under the hood, it is an elegant system for stream processing, event sourcing, and data integration. Download this white paper to learn the 10 critical rules that will help you optimize your Kafka system and unlock its full potential.

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Top 5 industry trends in strategic portfolio planning for 2024


Over the years, I’ve had the opportunity to work with contacts in many leading enterprises, including businesses across a wide range of industries and regions. This experience has given me a unique vantage point, enabling me to see those specifics that are unique to each team and organization—as well as common themes that apply to broad swaths of the market.

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When a New Layer of Management Is Hired Above You

Harvard Business Review

So, your manager told you that they’ll be bringing in someone else above you. In other words, you’re getting layered. This refers to a situation where an additional layer of management is inserted between you and your current reporting line. Essentially, it means that someone else is hired or promoted to a position above you. They become your new direct supervisor and you now report to them instead of your previous boss.

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Are “Trade Clusters” the Future of Geopolitics in 2024?

Ooda Loop

Trade Clusters are yet another development in the way globalization transformed over the course of 2023. William Alan Reinsch, Senior Adviser and Scholl Chair in International Business, at the The Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) provides a working definition and framed some the core characteristics of what he calls "trade clusters".

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Lower Valuations, Higher Bar: What It’s Like To Raise A Seed Round In 2024 

Crunchbase News

Editor’s note: This is the second in a two-part series on the state of seed startup investing at the start of 2024. Read Part 1, which looked at seed funding trends over the past decade and the median time period between seed and Series A funding, here. Seed funding to startups has grown into its own asset class over the past decade, with round sizes trending larger, and a bigger pool of investors backing these nascent startups.

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Streamlining Database Compliance with CI/CD Integration

IT leaders know the importance of compliance at every level, but the database often gets left behind as other environments are automated for robust protection. This whitepaper emphasizes the importance of robust, auditable, and secure database change management practices for safeguarding organizational compliance. Learn how automating database compliance: Mitigates risk Protects against security vulnerabilities Helps avoid regulatory penalties Aligns database workflows with app lifecycle Turns d

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6 signs you might need an executive coach — and 2 signs you don’t


IT leaders are more integral to a company’s business success than ever and that brings pressure to expand their roles, better understand and collaborate with the business, and launch major initiatives. To master the various aspects of leadership, it’s often helpful to get professional help. That’s where executive coaching comes into play. As technical people move up the ranks, going from coders and admins to managers to CIOs, they need to learn how to do a lot more than build great software, con

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6 Ways AI Could Disrupt Your Business

Harvard Business Review

How can boards better understand the potential impacts of AI? The authors suggest six scenarios that all boards must consider — and then act upon — ranging from predicting extreme operational changes, to anticipating new strategic ways to compete, to foreseeing existential threats that could obviate one’s business.

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Where Is the Executive Order on Data Privacy?

Ooda Loop

While it is promising to see that these areas are being addressed at the highest levels of government, there is still one glaring omission that has yet to be treated with the same level of seriousness by the Executive Office – data privacy. The United States has various laws at both the state and federal levels that address different aspects of data privacy.

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